Saturday, September 7, 2013


The Science of Sleep The Rabbit Hole

The average human being sleeps 6 to 8 hours a night, almost 50 hours a week, and more than 2,600 hours a year that means, on average, we spend almost 21 years of our lives asleep. In this week’s episode of “The Rabbit Hole” on The Chopra Well, Deepak Chopra explores the little understood world of sleep, so essential to our health.
Much more that just a time of rest and repair, sleeping allows us to not only process short and long-term memories but also reconnect with the original spirit or consciousness from which we incarnated as human beings. To reach this level of deep sleep, our sleep habits should be in rhythm with the universe.

"When your physiological and biological rhythms are in sync with nature’s the movement of the earth, sun, moon, and stars; the cycle of the seasons, and the pull and push of the ocean tide sleep becomes effortless."

The Indian philosopher, Adi Shankara, identified three states of consciousness, of which deep sleep is the third. In this state, he said, we are returned to “the source of all,” the original self.

Do you wake up refreshed and alert? Do you get good sleep? If not, what are you going to do about it?

To promote restful sleep, try the following routine:

Eat a relatively light dinner
Take a leisurely stroll after dinner
To the extent possible, minimize exciting, aggravating, or mentally intensive activities after 8:30 P.M.
About an hour before bedtime, run a hot bath into which you place a few drops of Relaxing Abhy Oil
Diffuse relaxing aromas in your bedroom.
As your bath is running, perform a slow self-administered oil massage and then soak in the warm tub for ten to fifteen minutes.
While soaking, have the lights low or burn a candle, and listen to soothing music
After your bath, drink a cup of warm relaxing herbal tea.
If your mind is very active, journal for a few minutes before bed, “downloading” some of your thoughts and concerns so you don’t need to ruminate about them when you shut your eyes.
Read inspirational or spiritual literature for a few minutes before bed. Avoid dramatic novels or distressing reading material.
Do not watch television or do any work in bed.
Once in bed, close your eyes and simply “feel your body” \this means focus on your body and wherever you notice tension, consciously relax that area.Then, simply watch your slow easy breathing until you fall asleep.

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