Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Iridology About Iris constitutions

About Iris constitutions

The 3 main constitutional types

There are 3 main Iris color types, namely Brown, Blue and Grey. There is also an exception to these basic types known as a Biliary or Mixed Constitution, namely part blue and part brown. This type display a combination of factors that are found in both the blue and the brown eyed types.

Where the iris pigmentation is slight, the iris appears blue as is commonly found in the northern European type, where less pigmentation is required for protection against intense sunlight. On the other hand, with an increase in pigmentation, the color becomes more grey and proceeds to brown and on to dark brown, as is found in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, African and Indian types. Over the generations, interbreeding has, in some instances produced a mixed genotype known as a Biliary Constitution, where the person inherits the strengths and weaknesses of both the brown and blue eyed constitutions.

We are therefore left with 3 distinct groupings:
the blue eyed constitution known as the Lymphatic Type
the pure brown eyed constitution known as the 

Haematogenic Type
and the combination of the two being the Mixed or Biliary Type.The Biliary constitutional type

The mixed or biliary constitution, whilst being prone to disturbances exhibited by both the Lymphatic and Haematogenic Types is, in the main, more prone to liver, gall bladder and pancreatic disturbances, flatulence, constipation, diabetes and blood diseases.

Constitution - Biliary

Iris Colour - Basic Blue background with a brown overlay. The iris often appears light brown to greenish brown; sometimes described as the hazel eye. bbn
Description - In many cases the iris appears uniformly brown and is therefore often confused with the Haemetogenic Constitution. Deeper observation however reveals that only the upper, cryptic leaf shows brown pigmentation with the lower leaf showing through as bluey-green. Usually, however, the iris will show clear areas of blue and contrasting brown areas. Contraction rings are often in evidence as is the darkened central area (central heterochromia). Sometimes sectorial heterochromia is evident. Occasionally, lymphatic tophi of various hues are also present.
Inherent Tendencies - Flatulence; constipation; colitis; hypoglycaemia; Diabetes; blood diseases; gall-stones; liver, gall-bladder, bile duct and pancreatic disorders; gastro-intestinal weakness with spasm; Haematogenic and Lymphatic Constitutional strengths and weaknesses.

The Haematogenic constitutional type

The true brown eye reflects the haematogenic constitution which is more prone to gastro-intestinal, liver, pancreatic, endocrine and blood disturbances.

Constitution - Haematogenic
Iris Colour - Brown to Deep Brown
Description - A true brown iris, with no underlying colours. The texture resembles velvet with few features. Under microscopic examination, however, fine differentiations are apparent. There are numerous chromatophorous cells and the stroma is therefore difficult to distinguish, with markings located mainly in the sectorial zone. Occasional lighter zones are present which give the appearance of sandpaper and indicate areas of inflammation or irritation. These are sometimes found in the heart and/or kidney zones and can be indicative of organic disease in these organs. Cramp rings and radials are often present as are anaemia, sodium or cholesterol rings.
It is not uncommon with this particular constitutional type to find brown blemishes on the sciera indicating latent hepatitis.
(The Oriental haematogenic is usually of a light yellow brown, with a texture resembling rough sandpaper when viewed under a microscope.)
Inherent Tendencies - Anaemia; lack of catalysts (iron, gold, arsenic, copper, zinc, iodine); blood diseases (Hepatitis, Jaundice); muscle spasms; arthritis; chronic degenerative illness; endocrine disorders (thyroid, adrenals and pituitary); spleenic disturbances; poor lymphatic drainage; swollen glands; Hodgkin's Disease; flatulance; constipation; colonic tumour; dyspepsia; digestive disorders with lowered enzymatic production; frequent intolerance to cows milk; ulcers; liver, gall-bladder and pancreatic malfunctions; Diabetes; circulatory disorders; auto-intoxication.

The Lymphatic constitutional type

The blue iris is characteristic of the lymphatic constitution. It is associated with conditions caused by excess production of catarrh and the resulting congestion of the lymphatic system that may inhibit immune function and elimination of toxins.

Constitution - Lymphatic
Type - Pure Lymphatic
Iris Colour - Blue
Description - Loose wavy fibres, like combed hair in a blue or grey iris.
Inherent Tendencies - Re-activity of the lymphatic system (adenoid and tonsil irritations; splenitis; swollen lymph nodes; irritated appendix; catarrh with exudations; eczema; acne; flakey, dry skin; dandruff; asthma; coughs; bronchitis; sinusitis; diarrhoea; arthritis; vaginal discharge; eye irritations; fluid retention).

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