Seven Rays of Energy
arch 23, 2011 at 9:58 PM |

Seven Rays of Energy
Humans, as energy systems, have access to the seven major streams of energy upon which our universe is founded. They are primordial in nature, existing since the birth of creation, but they express themselves in a personalised modality through individuals and also through group formations. We can speak of a person's ray quality, or the ray quality of that person's mind or emotions, or the ray qualities of a culture, country, species, planet - whatever. These rays are not exclusively aligned with any particular gender, race or culture in humanity, but individuals or groups may demonstrate one or more of these rays predominantly. In other words the nature of a person, community or country is an expression of these rays of energy, and not the other way around...
If one correctly perceives the ray quality of any particular manifestation within creation and follows that energy stream back to its source, one will come into contact with one of the "seven spirits before the throne", as it is expressed in the Christian bible. An analogy could be that of following a river upstream to its source. However in this analogy there would also be currents in the river that naturally flow upstream in the opposite direction to those flowing into the sea. These rays can also be equated with the primordial seven Rishis of Indian philosophy. If one has that direct cognition of the originating sources of these mighty energies (and very, very few people on the planet have it currently), one is literally sitting at the feet of God...
I have tried to describe the "essentialness" of each ray, to the best of my meagre perceptions. As a result the brief descriptions that follow could be a bit cryptic, or even misleading and might need some contemplation in order to gather personal significance...
Ray 1 The Ray of Will...
Will. Power. Dynamic direct movement. Activities of destruction; synthesis; abstraction. Primordial manifesting impulse. Unity. The urge to BE. Determination...
Ray 2 The Ray of Love...
Love. Wisdom. Magnetism. Unitedness. Coherency. Results in spiral motion. The urge to bring duality, or two polarities, into relationship. Attraction...
Ray 3 The Ray of Creative Intelligence...
Intelligence. Creativity. Manipulation (in a morally neutral sense). A shuttling movement. The activity of weaving. The urge to adjust material into differentiated forms.Adaptability...
Ray 4 The Ray of Harmony or Conflict...
Harmony. Beauty. Conflict. Relatedness between different elements (positive or negative). Orbital, cyclical or spiral motion. Paradox. The urge to wield centripetal and/or centrifugal force. Artistry...
Ray 5 The Ray of Rationality...
Rationality. Discernment.. Movement into separateness. The activity of dividing. The urge to discriminate or categorise. Construction of thought forms. Analysis...
Ray 6 The Ray of Idealism...
Idealism. Devotion. Visioning the goal. Parabolic motion. The urge to identify with an ideal. Aspiration and effort...
Ray 7 The Ray of Rhythmic Order...
Order. Ritual. Progressive movement. Sequential activity. The urge to systematise. Organisation...
There are actually more than seven rays and it seems that as humans we could have access to up to 12 or 14 ray energies. However, most of us in incarnation have energy bodies built up out of only these seven. This is because we build up the energy qualities of our physical, astral, mental and soul bodies (the soul body is also called the causal body) by working with specific ray energies. And until recently only these seven major streams of energy have been available to us, through our long journey of repeated incarnations. On this planet, for all but the Ascended Spiritual Teachers, (and some advanced students) the other rays are not sufficiently stabilised in consciousness to be available for real examination or on-going experience. It is one thing to dimly perceive a ray, or conceptually accept the existence of its energy quality. And quite another to wield it with the power and sure knowledge of the effects that this will produce. Currently however there are a number of children who are incarnating with a 10th or 12th ray component in their astral bodies. When they reach adulthood there will demonstrate these more clearly and promote a better understanding of these rays...
All the ray energies are inherent in all forms throughout creation, but at any particular time a particular being will express particular qualities over and above others. So when we speak of a 6th ray astral body we mean the outstanding emotional characteristics of that person are of the 6th ray. Other ray energies can simultaneously exist in the emotional body, but are not obvious (and could also be almost impossible to bring into manifestation). However the possibility exists, for certain individuals, that latent ray energies can be accessed and then actualised in order to accomplish a particular phase of spiritual growth...
It is better to try and identify one's ray qualities by direct observation, or from a reliable source, rather than from a check list of ray qualities in some book. It is of little value to decide that one has, a 6th ray astral body for example, based on a cursory academic observation, and leave it at that. One needs to know oneself, and this means understanding and handling the energies of one's four energy bodies. Simply defining a part of oneself in a generalised way as this or that particular ray does not lead to self-knowledge, or to ray knowledge. It could be best to start to try and understand one's purposes, habits, impulses, desires, attractions, aversions and so on, and how these affect one's inner experience and outer behaviour. Securing this knowledge first will enable us to easily translate it into an understanding of our ray energies when required...
The more one advances along the spiritual path the more important it becomes to correctly understand one's ray energies as these will condition one's mode of approach to the Divine. This is particularly so when preparing for initiation as it is important to understand the nature of the ray energies involved in a particular initiation (even if one doesn't use ray qualities as a conceptual framework). This means sufficient understanding of the energy to be mastered for that particular initiation as well as the energies of one's own bodies through which one has to handle the initiatory energy. This knowledge would be to a level of detail appropriate to the person's chosen mode for self-development...
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