That is why Jesus, the Lord, the Christ, the Great Master Jesus said:
If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. - Matthew 17:20
A single experience the size of a mustard seed is enough to know God. Then, you no longer believe in the Mystical Mind. That experience is within your superlative Consciousness. Then, that information in you is concrete. A fact. Not a sensual fact, no: a physical fact. It is a fact within. A cognition that you have had with your Consciousness. That is faith.
People mistake faith with belief. They say “I believe,” and assume they have faith. We can call it blind faith, maybe. Blind faith is belief, in other words. It is to believe in something that you do not see. It is to be blind. It is something that we have to understand, because in the doctrine we find that the Master says,
...blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. - John 20:29
They are ourselves. If we believe in the doctrine, if we believe in the path of self-realization, we are blessed. If we are going to perform the work, first we have to believe without seeing. It is obvious that is exactly the point, because if you do not believe, how are you going to do the work? That is why the great Master Paracelsus explained that first we have to study the doctrine and then practice it. But many people study the doctrine in the wrong way. They never practice it. Moses came and he gave the doctrine. People are studying his doctrine but is very rare to find someone what is practicing his doctrine. Jesus came and taught his doctrine, but it is very rare to find someone practicing his doctrine. It is not enough to believe what we are reading. We have to perform it.
...blessed are they that hear the word of God, and φυλάσσοντες (phulassontes: to observe, to watch). - Luke 11:28
The Greek word φυλάσσοντες clearly indicates that we need to awaken the Consciousness.

It is not enough to believe what we are reading. We have to perform what we are reading. It is not enough to read and know about the word, we have to perform the word. See all of the sects related with Christianity, the fact that they do not have faith is obvious. If they had faith, if they experienced what Jesus taught in the gospels, it would be only one religion. One sect. But there are many sects.
If we talk for instance about the chair, and I tell you this chair is bamboo, yellow with a green cushion. Everybody agrees, right? It is not a red chair or metal chair. You know that is is bamboo, right? But if I tell you there is another chair that you cannot see with your physical eyes because it in the 4th dimension, it is a red chair. You can believe or not believe. Those that believe will say that chair is not bamboo it is metal and then a bunch of people will follow that person, saying the chair is metal not bamboo. In the same do we find all religions. In Christianity, they study the Gospels and interpret them according to their Mystical Mind. One group interprets one way, then another group says, “No, that is not right, we have the truth. We know how to interpret the Gospels.” With one verse of the Bible you can make a sect. You can name it according to your own taste. The same thing that has happened with Christianty happened with Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, and all of the Orthodox religions. That is why we say there are five thousand sects. They do not experience, thus they do not have faith. They only have beliefs. That is why they fight with each other, saying, “You are wrong, I am right. This is the way. You are worshipping the devil, I am worshipping God, because I believe in this and you don’t believe in that.”
The Mystical Mind is like sand. It rises and falls. It is unstable. That is why you find a lot of confusion among believers.
Yet, we do not have to fall into confusion. We need to understand that to study the doctrine—whether Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or Hinduism—is good. All of them point to the same union with God. We have to study with the esoteric point of view, the Kabbalistic point of view, in order not to commit a mistake. When a blind man guides blind men, all of them will fall into the hole. We need someone that is working and seeing so that we can understand the basis in order to develop the Inner Mind, in order to awaken the Consciousness. It is not a matter of following somebody. We have to follow our inner Spirit. Our inner Being. But how are we going to follow our inner Being if we keep building our house on sand?
There is another types of believer in this Kali Yuga, called the Kalkian personality. The Kalkian personality characterizes him or herself because they study a mixture of doctrines. They know about Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, but never has experience. They have a lot of information but no direct experience. Only those who know the secret of Tantra or Alchemy develop the seven superior senses, then they enter into the Inner Mind.
The Kalkian personality talks about the seven chakras, the seven basic dimensions, the great Masters of the brotherhood, such as Kout Humi, Morya, St. Germaine, and many other great Masters that are abstract to the Mystical Mind. They talk about the internal brotherhood as if they see them or talk to them. They talk as if they know. Yet, these Kalkian personalities suffer in secret. They talk about higher dimensions but they have never had an experience in the higher dimensions. They talk about the seven bodies of the human being but they never have an experience with them. They talk about Astral projection beautifully, but they never had an Astral projection. They talk about aliens, people from other planets, but they never have experiences with people from other planets. For instance, in Mexico, I met people that were pretending to be from other planets. They were pretending to be from Mars, meanwhile they were just from Venezuela. The people from Mexico did not know they were from Venezuela. People say, “I am going to introduce you to people from Venus.” Meanwhile, they were just from Ireland, and cheating others.
To really know a Master or a person from another planet, you need to awaken the seven chakras and senses. If you have a direct experience with the Inner Mind, it is easy. Then you do not make a mistake. Within this physical world of five senses, if you do not have at least clairvoyance in order to see if in reality the physical body that is in front of you is from this planet or other planets. You may see an extraterrestrial in front of you and you will not know it is an extraterrestrial, because in order to know that you have to have clairvoyance. With the five senses you see only bones and flesh, and a hairy head on the shoulders. That is not the truth.
We need to comprehend and understand that the Kalkian personality is the most deviated type. They think they are already done, because they already heard this type of seminar, because they have read a hundred books related with this topic. They waste time fluttering from one flower to another flower like a butterfly. They never experience the truth directly. They are not serious. We have to be serious if we want the Religare, if we want the Self-realization of the Being. We have to be serious, not with me, with yourselves. Seriousness is towards your Being. If we are receiving information, if we are reading books and having a lot of knowledge related with the abstract dimensions beyond our five senses, it is good. Yet if we do not experience, if we do not open the Inner Mind and develop the internal senses, we are just cheating ourselves. The worst cheat is when you cheat yourself.
With your Mystical Mind, you believe that you are ok. “I am doing well.” Meanwhile you are just the same as when you did not know anything about the doctrine. If you examine your psyche, for instance, before you were studying this type of knowledge, if you your behavior and customs are the same as when you did not know anything about this knowledge, then you are cheating yourself.
We have to change, and that change is not just information in the head. That change is to awake to the unknown, to see, to touch the things of the fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh dimensions. For that, we need the tools, the codes, the keys to awake the internal senses in order to put the Consciousness in contact with our Being. Then we will walk with certainty, with faith. Not with doubts.
The one that awakens faith will never leave the path. He will always walk ahead because it is something that is experienced. It is like the person that touches the fire and gets burned. It is faith. We have to then understand that faith is something that you experience. Something that you perceive through your five senses and through the seven superior senses. In total, there are twelve senses. The twelve senses are related with the Inner Mind. Five physical senses and seven internal senses, but only five senses by themselves are related to the Sensual Mind. The Mystical Mind has nothing to do with any sense. You cannot prove even with the five senses what they believe.
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