Monday, October 15, 2012

The Energizer Mudra (Sign of Reverence)

The Energizer Mudra (Sign of Reverence)

This mudra generates a certain energy within one's bio-magnetic field. It is a hand pose to be found in the practices of countless spiritual traditions and religions. While in prayer we often assume this pose and arise out of it spiritually strengthened and nourished. The power generated with the use of this mudra uplifts the mind giving one a new zest and enthusiasm for life. Needless to say, one of the secrets of prayer is the pose of the body and hands that configures one's energy structure to greatly facilitate the communion between worlds and the exchange of forces.

Execute this mudra by uniting both hands at the level of the chest, palms together and fingers pointing upwards. Maintain this pose for 5-10 minutes--or much longer if you are able to. Feel the energy developing in the area of the hands as it slowly spreads up to the arms and body. This mudra could trigger an automatic response from the nervous system resulting in unusual movements of the limbs and body.

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