Monday, October 15, 2012

The Benediction Mudra (Mano Pantea)

The Benediction Mudra (Mano Pantea)

If we can curse and swear at one another so easily why is it that no one ever thinks of blessing one's fellow men? Blessings, or Barokah as it is called in Islam, are dynamic operations of the Divine Spirit acting through pure instruments, whether angelic or human. Ideally, the operator channeling blessings from on High must be pure in mind, body, and soul and have attained a certain degree of attunement and oneness with his/her Progenitor. Whatever flows through a conduit is tainted by it. This is how energies are transformed into force. Force is energy imbued with a certain quality or character. It is for this reason that some degree of spirituality must be attained before one is qualified to serve as a channel for blessings to others, for it is inappropriate to radiate from our beings the quirks and negative characteristics of our personality. At least, when giving blessings, we should strive to raise our vibrations and frequency to match as much as possible the standards of our Higher Self. How this is done may be learnt from a true spiritual teacher.

The act of blessing or consecration is facilitated by the benediction mudra. The benediction mudra is a sign, signal and code to our Higher Self and spiritual beings that the act of blessing is about to take place and that cooperation from them is requested. Psycho-energetically, the mudra also temporarily rearranges the auric and etheric structures to act as a conduit for the flow of "gift-waves," as blessings are called in the Buddhist Vajrayana tradition.

In the Benediction or blessing mudra the first two fingers and thumb are used--these represents the etheric, air and fire elements of which the formal ritual of the baptism of "fire" is facilitated and enacted.

The object to be blessed may be a living organism, an object, or an act. Blessings raises the frequency of the person or thing receiving the blessing, and integrates into them a divine power that lasts for some time. Being blessed by a holy, spiritual person, acting as mediator, is spiritually beneficial in that it makes the Path of Life easier for one to tread and to spiritually evolve. Both the giver and receiver of blessings are benefited in some manner that is often too subtle for detection by the insensitive, untrained mind.

In this literary work it is possible for us to offer only a simple method for blessing others. The art of glorification actually requires spiritual training and disciplines that are beyond the subject matter of this mudra-series.

To bless an object or someone, first visualize energy in the form of a ball of light hovering over your head. Reach out to it mentally and emotionally, raising thoughts and feelings as high as you spiritually can. Then let the light descend as a beam through the crown of your head and flow outwardly from you from these three points: Ajna chakra, or between the eyebrows; anahata chakra, or heart center, and your right hand which is making the sign of benediction.

The full or complete sign of benediction is executed by first placing your left hand over your heart, and with your right hand assume the Mano Pantea sign, that is, extend your thumb and first two fingers vertically while folding the ring and little finger into the palm. Then recite this invocation :
"Elohim (3x). I call upon the angelic powers of the Universe, in the name of the Most High, in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, (state the name of your Holy Christ Self if known) to establish N . . . (name of person or object) in the Power of Truth, Light, Life, and Love. Ateh Gadol Le Olam--A.m.e.n." 3x

Next focus upon the subject or object that you wish to bless. See light from those three points mentioned above flowing to and enfolding them. If an individual, visualize the person expressing joy, peace, and happiness, or the object aglow with divine radiance. Especially see the subject's higher chakras aglow with light. After several minutes of this, seal the energies in the person's aura or object with the mudra by making the sign of the cross or any other symbol meaningful to you while at the same time decreeing: "May the peace and power of Heaven's blessings be upon thee."

This operation may be done from a distance with the subject visualized in one's mind's-eye.

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