Wednesday, July 16, 2014


CrossFit , so clearly, I love the sport and take it seriously. But I have never been married to CrossFit. If you follow my writing, you know that above all else. I believe my success in CrossFit is precisely because I am not chained to it. Once I discovered true strength and conditioning as a training methodology over pure daily metcon crushfests, I got so much better at CrossFit itself. That is because I was willing to think outside the box and be open to the possibility that CrossFit was a great thing, but not the only thing.

What happens when and if the tide turns, and you’ve sunk your entire existence into the religion of CrossFit? Remember, every empire that has at one time ruled the world has also crumbled. CrossFit, while growing, is also in danger of saturating many markets, and many forward-thinking box owners are co-branding in the event that the bubble bursts. For you, will CrossFit be a cornerstone to a larger structure or a weight that pulls you to the bottom of the sea?

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