Monday, October 21, 2013

Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico,Descending God.

Evidence of Christ in Tulum

Tulum is one of the most intriguing and mysterious of the Mayan cities.In fact, it is not a city at all but a temple complex devoted to the teaching and worship of the Descending God.

Within the walls of Tulum, artifacts have been found dating back to the first century AD, a stele exists which dates to the fifth century AD while much of the architecture dates to the 12th century AD.

In addition the surrounding areas clearly show occupation from as early as the 3rd Century BC or what we call the Pre-classic period of the Maya.

Tulum and the Descending God
Tulum is the home of the Descending God. The Descending God has been so named by the archaeological community because He is always shown with his feet in the air as if he is descending from the sky.

Many people, including anthropologists, archaeologists and guides have erroneously stated that the Descending God is only found in Tulum. This has been done out of ignorance or in some cases a simple desire to skirt the entire issue of the Descending God and what He potentially represents.

If Christ, having been resurrected, descended from heaven to visit the Maya, He would have come in great glory and the event would have been so singular that its depiction would have been repeated over and over throughout the Mayan world. This is what we see with the Descending God.

Rather than being a God only seen in Tulum, we have found that there is no other Mayan God as prevalent throughout the width and breadth of the Mayan world as the Descending God. Over and over again He is shown in the attitude of descending from the heavens.

In Tulum, we find that the Temple Of The Inscriptions was built to teach all people that the Descending God was and is the supreme God of all Gods and that all things are subject to him.

The murals inside the temple tell the story of three men, who may have been responsible for the building of the temple complex.

In these murals the three are portrayed as seers, possibly living in a physical state between life and death.
The outside of the Temple Of The Descending God bears symbology that represents the Descending God as the light and life of the world and that He is the living water and light of the sun

The murals inside the temple, which have great need of restoration, show scenes that depict both heaven and earth and perhaps creation.
The Temple Of The Descending God was built in alignment with both the morning star, or the planet Venus, and the sun so as to mark April 6th as the birthday of the Descending God.

On that day Venus can be seen rising into the night sky directly over the door of the temple and sunlight forms a brilliant star that can be seen only on that day.
This is Extremely significantbecause Mayan Gods were known by the day on which they were born. And April 6th is the birthday of the Descending God.

It is interesting to note that the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, who lived in the state of New York, published in 1830 a translated ancient record which told of a personal visit by Jesus Christ to the Americas shortly after His resurrection. In addition, he identified April 6th as the birthday of Jesus Christ. He also identified the ancient name of the city of Zion as being Zama. Zama was the original name for the city of Tulum.

In 1831, when Joseph Smith identified Zama as the name of the city of Zion, Tulum had not yet been uncovered and was overgrown by rainforest. It would not be until 1837 that the jungle would be cut away from the temple complex that we call Tulum. And, it would not be until late into the 20th Century before the April 6th phenomena would be documented and the original name of Tulum be identified as the same name Joseph Smith had used more than a hundred and fifty years earlier to identify the city of Zion.

It is also interesting to note that included in the translation of the Book of Mormon by Joseph Smith was an account of three men, two of them brothers by the same mother, who were Disciples of Christ and attended to Jesus during his visit to the Americas. The translation indicates that they were seers and were granted the power, by Christ, to live until his second coming in a translated state.

We have found what appears to be evidence of these three men not only in the Temple of the Inscriptions in Tulum, dating to the 12th Century, but in many other cities as well. We have found them in Itzamal in the 4th Century AD, in Chichen-Itza in the 9th Century AD, In Uxmal in the 10th Century AD, in Dzibilchaltun in the 11th Century AD and in potentially several other places that we are currently investigating.

The great Castillo in Tulum has three large niches over the three doorways into the temple. In the niche above the center doorway is the Descending God. To his right hand stands the father God of all Gods, Hunab-ku, and to his left the niche appears to have been left intentionally empty. Many have speculated as to the meaning of the empty niche and to date there have been no credible answers provided by the scientific world.

If we test however, the theory of Jesus Christ being the Descending God, the niches over the doorways and what they represent make perfect sense to the Christian world. In order from left to right stands God the Father, His son Jesus Christ and the third niche which is empty is for the Holy Ghost.

It is clear that within early Christian doctrines from the 1st Century there was a strong belief that there were three separate beings that made up what was known as the Godhead. There was God the Father, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. The first two had physical bodies but the Holy Ghost was described as being like the wind, not having a physical body or any specific physical shape or form.

The New Testament gives us many wonderful accounts of the resurrected Christ. These accounts powerfully record that the resurrected Christ had a physical body, in fact the same body that had been laid in the tomb, only whole and glorified.

In the gospel of Luke chapter 24, verses 36-40, we find the resurrected Jesus telling his apostles that He is not a spirit and that He exists as a being with flesh and bone.

On this occasion the scriptures record:
And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. And he said unto them, why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts. Behold my hands and my feet that it is I myself: handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.In this instance and at other times the savior ate with his apostles and further testified of the reality of his resurrection and physical form.

The New Testament teaches that Christ was created in the express image of his father and many scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments have clear reference to both God the Father and His son having physical bodies and form.

If Christ was the express image of His father and was resurrected into a perfected glorified state with a physical body then, would it not make sense that his Father would have a glorified physical body as well. This idea was expressed by many of the early Church fathers at the Council of Nicea, in 325 AD. This council was intended to standardize the many doctrines and beliefs that had grown up around Christ since his death, nearly three hundred years earlier.

By then however, many pagan influences had entered into the Church. Paganism was founded around a central mystery which was revealed in its temples. The great mystery of the early church would become the very nature of God himself.

Doctrine and truth became nothing more than what was deemed good by the majority, for the unification of so many factions under a single authoritarian church. It made no logical sense but was politically expedient. God would simply cease to be what he was and transform himself into whatever the most powerful voices wanted him to be.

But, at the time of a possible visit by Christ to the Mayas, the representation of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost as three distinct beings with the latter having no body or form that could be portrayed, was well within the beliefs of 1st Century Christians. And if Christ had visited the Maya it would clearly explain all three niches, exactly as we see them today.

There are many other evidences in Tulum that could be discussed in depth.

A possible baptismal font.

A tomb in the shape of the Cross, with the door facing to the East.

The all seeing eye of God.

Depictions of a child being born and reaching out to grasp a staff upon which a serpent is raised. This is the same symbol Moses used to symbolize Christ in the Old Testament.

Depictions of scenes reminiscent of the Garden of Eden from the Old Testament.

A scene of a woman kneeling at the feet of a God who is presenting her with a baby Descending God, who is identified as the creator of man.
However, we will simply conclude this section with the discussion of two additional items that may be indications of a possible visit by Christ.

The first is the temple complex itself and the second is the symbol of the red hands.

In Jerusalem the temple of Solomon was constructed around three courtyards, with a central alter.

In Tulum the temple complex was constructed with three temples and a central alter.

There were no steps to climb to enter the first courtyard of Solomon’s temple.

The same is true to enter the first temple in Tulum, known as the Temple of the Initial Series.

To enter the second courtyard in Solomon’s temple, one had to climb twelve steps, a number used in the bible to signify the entire house of Israel or the people of God.

In Tulum it is the same. To enter the second temple, or the Temple of the Descending God, one must climb twelve steps.

In Solomon’s temple one had to climb an additional 15 steps, or 27 steps in total, to reach the innermost courtyard.

In Tulum it is the same. In order to enter the Great Castillo, one must climb 27 steps.

In and of itself this might be just pure coincidence, except that this numbering system has been used with temple complexes that are associated with a potential Christ like figure, in many areas throughout the Mayan world.

In addition Solomon’s temple was built to mark the equinox and the solstices.

The same is true with the temple complex in Tulum, and it marks one additional day as well, the April 6th birthday of the Descending God.

Finally let’s talk a bit about the red hands. In Tulum we see the red hands associated directly with the Descending God.

The 17th Century Spanish historian Lizana recorded that the Maya represented the great God of heaven by symbol of the hand, because with his powerful hands he had performed many powerful miracles amongst the people to include healing the sick.

The color of the hands is significant because red was the color the Mayas gave to the East. The direction from which Christ will come in accordance with New Testament scripture, and the direction from which He would have come if he had visited them.

What is of additional interest is that we find the red hands in many other cities that contain strong evidences of a possible visit by Jesus Christ and which had a belief in the Descending God.

In fact, it appears that the red hands may well have been used the way early Christians used the symbol of the fish to let others know of the presence of believers, even during times of severe religious persecution.

We hope you enjoyed this brief overview of Tulum and will continue with us on our quest through other cities to find evidence that Christ may have actually visit the Mayan peoples following his crucifixion and resurrection in Israel. who knows 

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