Tuesday, July 30, 2013

humic deposits AKA fulvic acid

In the Beginning

In the beginning the Earth was blessed with optimum organic growing conditions. The soil had a
wealth of minerals, trace elements, and rich humus soil teaming with microbes. The Earth’s minerals had not yet leached and eroded into the seas, and because of that, the soil was exceptionally fertile. 

The vegetation was very lush and abundant, as is evidenced by ancient remains that we know were
formed into coal and oil deposits. 

Humic Deposits

But there have been found other most unusual remains that geologists call humic deposits. They also
came from that ancient lush vegetation. These humic deposits never did turn into oil or coal, because they were not exposed to the same tremendous pressures, and were very near the surface where there 
was abundant microbial activity. These deposits are quite rare and can be found in various areas of the world. Some of these deposits are exceedingly rich in a little known substance called fulvic acid

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