Saturday, January 26, 2013


The highest aim of religion is Atma-jnanam

The virtual reality in the universe is the existence of Atma (Divine Soul). Everything in the world has an end innumerable changes will take place in the nature, but Atma neither has a beginning nor an end. The philosophy of Atma existed long long ago and it will exist forever because Atma is immortal.

Atma existed even before Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh. We must pray and love Atma. Instead of praying thousands of millions of Gods, it is best to meditate on Atma. Praying Atma is praying all Gods.

To attain the God the simplest and most easiest way is to Meditate in SELF i.e., Atma. God exists in the heart of everyone as Atma. Don't look at the self, but meditate in the self toattain God.

Atma is formless and is without physical properties such as colour, height, weight, etc. To see God it is necessary to manifest the Divine Soul ( Atma) in a form with physical properties. This manifestation in form is none other but Sadguru.
Look at Sadguru in the heart and meditate. Atma neither belongs to any religion nor caste. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Parsi, Jains, Buddhists all will seek God by meditating upon the self, Atma the Divine Soul. Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Mohammad Paigambar, Lord Shri Krishna, Bhagwan Mahaveer, Gautam Buddha all had self realization because they meditated in their self, Atma and became God.

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