St. Daria
Chrysanthus was an Egyptian, son of a Patrician, Polemius.
He was brought to Rome from Alexandria during the reign of Numerian, and despite the objections of his father, who had brought him to Rome, was baptized by a priest named Carpophorus. Chrysanthus refused is father's attempts to get him married, finally married Daria, a Greek and a priestess of Minerva, converted her, and convinced her to live with him in chastity. When they converted a number of Romans, Chrysanthus was denounced as a Christian to Claudius, the tribune. Chrysanthus' attitude under torture so impressed Claudius that he and his wife, Hilaria, two sons, and seventy of his soldiers became Christians, whereupon the Emperor had them all killed. Daria was sent to a brothel, where she was defended by a lion, brought before Numerian, who ordered her execution, and was stoned and then buried alive. When several followers of Daria and Chrysanthus were found praying at their crypt, among them Diodorus, a priest, and Marianus, a deacon, they were all entombed alive. Their feast day is October 25.
Saints Chrysanthus and Daria (3rd century – c. 283) aresaints of the Early Christian period. According to legend, Chrysanthus was the only son of an Egyptian patrician, named Polemius or Poleon, who lived during the reign of Numerian. His father moved from Alexandria to Rome. Chrysanthus was educated in the finest manner of the era. Disenchanted with the excess in the Roman world, he began reading the Acts of the Apostles.
He was then baptized and educated in Christian thinking by a priest named Carpophorus. His father was unhappy with Chrysanthus's conversion and attempted to inculcate secular ways into his son by tempting him with prostitutes, but Chrysanthus retained his virginity.
He objected when his father arranged a marriage to Daria, a Roman Vestal Virgin. Chrysanthus converted his new bride and convinced her to live with him in a chaste state. Since Vestal Virgins take a vow of chastity during their thirty-year term of service, Daria's agreement to live in a chaste marriage would not be surprising.
They went on to convert a number of Romans. When this illegal act was made known to Claudius, the tribune, Chrysanthus was arrested and tortured. Chrysanthus's faith and fortitude under torture were so impressive to Claudius that he and his wife, Hilaria, two sons named Maurus and Jason, and seventy of his soldiers became Christians. For this betrayal, the emperor had Claudius drowned, his sons beheaded and his wife went to the gallows. The legend states that Daria was sent to live as a prostitute, but her chastity was defended by a lioness. She was brought before Numerian and ordered to be executed. There are many variations to this legend. Some claim that she was subjected to execution by stoning, others say she was beheaded and yet others claim she was buried alive in a deep pit beside her husband. They were entombed in a sand pit near the Via Salaria Nova, the catacombs in Rome.
Historical notes
Historians believe Numerian was not in Rome at the time of the martyrdom of Chrysanthus and Daria but that his brother Carinus was. It is more likely that Carinus was the one who ordered Daria to be executed. Another issue that was brought forward was that the Romans would not send a Vestal virgin, who was supposed to be the keeper of Rome's fortunes and for whom it was imperative to remain a virgin, into a whorehouse.
A recent documentary by the National Geographic of a study sponsored by the Church has brought forth information that clashes with the legend. Scientific investigation of the relics claimed to be the bones of Daria and Chrysanthus confirmed that the bones were those of a young man and a young woman in their late teens, with a radiocarbon date between AD 80 and AD 340. If the bones are indeed those of the two martyrs, then Daria's skeleton bears no sign of being stoned. It is believed by scientists that it is more likely that the two were buried alive.
Their tomb became a pilgrimage site for early Christians soon after their death. When several followers, among them Diodorus, a priest, and Marianus, a deacon, were found praying in the catacombs on the anniversary of their martyrdom, they were all entombed within the crypt alive.
Diodorus and Marianus were also canonized as well. A church was later built above the sandpit.
The two martyrs were particularly popular in 4th-century Rome, and their names appear in theMartyrologium Hieronymianum. In the 9th century, some of the remains of Chrysanthus and Daria were brought to Prüm in modern-day Rhineland-Palatinate, but the cult remained largely local. In 1011, Pope Sergius IV gave Fulk Nerra, Count of Anjou, some of the martyrs' relics upon his return from a pilgrimage toJerusalem. Fulk gave them to the monastery of Belli Locus which he had recently established.

A column made of calc-sinter ("Eifel-Marmor"), in the church St. Chrysanthus und Daria, Bad Münstereifel, Germany.
Chrysanthus is also venerated in the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Troparionassociated with him is: "Let us honor the like-minded pair of Martyrs,/ Chrysanthus scion of purity, and supremely modest Daria./ United in holiness of faith, they shone forth as communicants of God the Word./ They fought lawfully for Him and now save those who sing:/ Glory to Him Who has strengthened you; glory to Him Who has crowned you;/ glory to Him Who through you works healings for all." The Kontakion associated with Chrysanthus is: "O Chrysanthus, in the sweet fragrance of holiness/ thou didst draw Daria to saving knowledge./ Together in contest you routed the serpent, the author of all evil,/ and were worthily taken up to the heavenly realms." His was a precongregational canonization. The feast day of Saints Chrysanthus and Daria is celebrated on October 25 within Western Christianity, and on March 19 in Eastern Christianity.
Saints Chrysanthus and Daria (3rd century – c. 283) aresaints of the Early Christian period. According to legend, Chrysanthus was the only son of an Egyptian patrician, named Polemius or Poleon, who lived during the reign of Numerian. His father moved from Alexandria to Rome. Chrysanthus was educated in the finest manner of the era. Disenchanted with the excess in the Roman world, he began reading the Acts of the Apostles.
He was then baptized and educated in Christian thinking by a priest named Carpophorus. His father was unhappy with Chrysanthus's conversion and attempted to inculcate secular ways into his son by tempting him with prostitutes, but Chrysanthus retained his virginity.
He objected when his father arranged a marriage to Daria, a Roman Vestal Virgin. Chrysanthus converted his new bride and convinced her to live with him in a chaste state. Since Vestal Virgins take a vow of chastity during their thirty-year term of service, Daria's agreement to live in a chaste marriage would not be surprising.
They went on to convert a number of Romans. When this illegal act was made known to Claudius, the tribune, Chrysanthus was arrested and tortured. Chrysanthus's faith and fortitude under torture were so impressive to Claudius that he and his wife, Hilaria, two sons named Maurus and Jason, and seventy of his soldiers became Christians. For this betrayal, the emperor had Claudius drowned, his sons beheaded and his wife went to the gallows. The legend states that Daria was sent to live as a prostitute, but her chastity was defended by a lioness. She was brought before Numerian and ordered to be executed. There are many variations to this legend. Some claim that she was subjected to execution by stoning, others say she was beheaded and yet others claim she was buried alive in a deep pit beside her husband. They were entombed in a sand pit near the Via Salaria Nova, the catacombs in Rome.
Historical notes
Historians believe Numerian was not in Rome at the time of the martyrdom of Chrysanthus and Daria but that his brother Carinus was. It is more likely that Carinus was the one who ordered Daria to be executed. Another issue that was brought forward was that the Romans would not send a Vestal virgin, who was supposed to be the keeper of Rome's fortunes and for whom it was imperative to remain a virgin, into a whorehouse.
A recent documentary by the National Geographic of a study sponsored by the Church has brought forth information that clashes with the legend. Scientific investigation of the relics claimed to be the bones of Daria and Chrysanthus confirmed that the bones were those of a young man and a young woman in their late teens, with a radiocarbon date between AD 80 and AD 340. If the bones are indeed those of the two martyrs, then Daria's skeleton bears no sign of being stoned. It is believed by scientists that it is more likely that the two were buried alive.
Their tomb became a pilgrimage site for early Christians soon after their death. When several followers, among them Diodorus, a priest, and Marianus, a deacon, were found praying in the catacombs on the anniversary of their martyrdom, they were all entombed within the crypt alive.
Diodorus and Marianus were also canonized as well. A church was later built above the sandpit.
The two martyrs were particularly popular in 4th-century Rome, and their names appear in theMartyrologium Hieronymianum. In the 9th century, some of the remains of Chrysanthus and Daria were brought to Prüm in modern-day Rhineland-Palatinate, but the cult remained largely local. In 1011, Pope Sergius IV gave Fulk Nerra, Count of Anjou, some of the martyrs' relics upon his return from a pilgrimage toJerusalem. Fulk gave them to the monastery of Belli Locus which he had recently established.

A column made of calc-sinter ("Eifel-Marmor"), in the church St. Chrysanthus und Daria, Bad Münstereifel, Germany.
Chrysanthus is also venerated in the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Troparionassociated with him is: "Let us honor the like-minded pair of Martyrs,/ Chrysanthus scion of purity, and supremely modest Daria./ United in holiness of faith, they shone forth as communicants of God the Word./ They fought lawfully for Him and now save those who sing:/ Glory to Him Who has strengthened you; glory to Him Who has crowned you;/ glory to Him Who through you works healings for all." The Kontakion associated with Chrysanthus is: "O Chrysanthus, in the sweet fragrance of holiness/ thou didst draw Daria to saving knowledge./ Together in contest you routed the serpent, the author of all evil,/ and were worthily taken up to the heavenly realms." His was a precongregational canonization. The feast day of Saints Chrysanthus and Daria is celebrated on October 25 within Western Christianity, and on March 19 in Eastern Christianity.
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