
Another important aspect of coherence is its role in the evolution of the collective consciousness.
In Gaia and the Evolution of Coherence, Ho and Popp (1989) refer to members of an indigenous culture whose intimacy with nature gives them an intuitive understanding of and respect for the vital force which animates all life. This energy, which flows ultimately from the sun, is continually recycled among all beings to sustain a dynamic balance.
Although alienation from nature characterizes modern society, biophysics reveals that there exists an intimate connection among all life on earth through the distribution of the sun’s energy (photons) in intricate webs of food chains over the course of time.Photo repair
According to Ho and Popp, the tendency is for biological systems to delay the decay of this high level energy “as long as possible by the formation of a coherent platform of oscillations which expands the photon field into a coherent state of growing bandwidth.”
Over the course of evolution, the longer wavelengths extend to allow communication to increase from a range within the cell to encompass distances between people. The effect of evolution to expand communication can also be seen in increasing life spans and age-old traditions.
The coherent platform allows expansion of a global consciousness as individual groups of organisms contribute information for themselves as well as all others while at the same time becoming more and more aware of this collective consciousness.
Ho and Popp conclude by stating that “human consciousness may have its most significant role in the development and creative expression of the collective consciousness of nature.”
Gaia and the Evolution of Coherence has left me wondering if the cumulative effect of an increasing collective consciousness could at some point precipitate a global resonant event. The elevation of man above all non-human life is such an entrenched “second nature” that it has created a profound lack awareness of the extent of the suffering such alienation has caused. Lifting the veil for a split second to reveal the sentient presence of nature would be such an event that could awaken on a global scale the love and compassion necessary to transform the world.
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