Friday, October 12, 2012



Grace is a gift from God. There are those who simply define grace as "God’s unmerited favor." 

Christ did the work to make salvation available to us.
Because of His sacrifice, there are those who say that all you have to do is believe and you are saved. Any other action on you part, such as baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in tongues, or living by a certain standard of holiness in dress and conduct constitutes our working for salvation.
This divine influence is a gift or favor of God. When God’s grace is truly working in a person’s life it will be obvious.

Our generation has taken the other approach. The outward appearance doesn’t make any difference because God only looks on the heart. The fallacy of such thinking is exposed in the definition of grace. When God influences a heart, it will be reflected in the way the person lives! There is no way around it! Either God does not have the complete surrender of an individual that He desires to have, or there is no influence although claimed!
The Bible tells us: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him." John 6:44. Later in the same chapter Jesus repeats himself, saying, "That no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father." John 6:64. And again a few chapters later, Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6.

So the very fact you believe is because God moved on your heart. As was stated earlier. God’s grace has appeared to all men. But they made the choice whether to obey or refuse.

What about receiving the Holy Ghost?

Once again, God does the work. When someone receives the Holy Ghost, it is God speaking through you. It is not a language you know. It is not just saying things you do not understand. But it is God speaking through you. Acts 2:4 tells us "…the Spirit gave the utterance." It is true these people had tarried for some seven to ten in days in prayer before God moved on them in this manner. But once again, it was God responding to their obedience.

What about living a holy life?

Remember the definition of grace? When you have His Spirit inside you it will teach you and guide you. So once again the credit goes to God for helping one to live righteous and godly. Grace teaches one how to live pleasing in his sight.

Have you obeyed all God has commanded you in his Word? Hebrews 5:9, tells us Jesus is "the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him."   The work was done at Calvary. God's saving Grace is available for you!

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