Monday, October 8, 2012

Divine Wisdom from Saint Jesus

Divine Wisdom from Saint Jesus 
Part 1

Divine Wisdom from Saint Jesus
This series of articles were translated from the book written by our SarGuru SivaSelvaraj in praise of Saint Jesus. Please read it with attention.

Gospel from Mathew:
In the times of Jesus, john the Baptist was baptizing people with holy water. He baptized people who came to him repenting their sin. John told “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the fire of holy Spirit”.

As per John’s prediction the great Gnani Jesus comes to him. When Jesus come to John for getting himself baptized John tries to deter him saying “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” But still Jesus persists and gets himself baptized from John.
First John Baptises everyone using water. Today how does the baptizing happening in every church? By dipping a child in water? Just think then how does the mighty Jesus would have baptized using the fire of Holy Spirit? Since it is water today baptizing is happening by immersing the child in water during baptizing ceremony. How to immerse or dip one in the fire of Holy Spirit?!

Jesus Christ humbled before John and accepted him as his Guru. This is the virtuousness and divine merit of the great saint Jesus. But Jesus did not baptize using holy water but he baptized people using fire of the Holy Spirit. How is that possible? Have any one thought about it? This is the great divine secret (Gnana Ragasiyam). For 40 days Jesus fasted throughout day and night praying to the mighty father. He then got Gnanam (Divine Wisdom) or Enlightenment. He called people telling them “Repent and change your mind as the kingdom of heaven has come near”. One became two and in this way many people repented and were baptized with the fire of Holy Spirit.
Seeing the gathering of people Jesus went to top of the hill and preached them. The wisdom that came from the mouth of the Jesus Christ is such a great sermon. “No one light a lamp and put it under a bowl. They will keep it outside in a tower such that it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way let your light shine before others, so that everyone see your good deed and glorify and realize our father the supreme lord.”
How to make our light our lamp and make it to shine? One who is baptized using fire of Holy Spirit and does penance on that divine fire, for them in their body the divine light of the Holy Spirit will shine. By Penance the divine light will increase and the people will be attracted towards them. The divine light will increase and the reason for that which is getting baptized with fire of Holy Spirit and then doing penance will be then known to everyone. When a great Saint of Divine Light like Jesus preaches (called Upadesam) , people who hear and follow it will surely reach the heavenly kingdom.
Jesus preached Love Everyone including your enemies and let you be always of love. Do not murder. One who does murder will definitely be punished. Do not commit adultery. If you look at women lustfully you are committing adultery with her. So look at every woman as your mother. You cannot make one hair white or black. By your wish you cannot even move a single straw. Whatever deeds you perform whether it is noble one or bad one your father the supreme lord is watching it.
Do not show yourself during fasting. You always be normal. Our heavenly father is with you and is always watching you.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. By this Jesus means the true treasure is in our heart, isn’t? He is within our heart and we have to realize him. Who is that? The Supreme Lord. Our true wealth is the Lord himself who is within us.
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light”. This is the most important and great divine secret and wisdom from the bible. In our body the lamp were our eyes. This is the essence conveyed by great Vedas. Our eyes were our MeiPorul (Mei- means Truth, Porul means treasure).
Oho man you spend your life to earn food and clothes but you have forgotten the Supreme Lord within you who as Holy Spirit resides within you as your soul. Look at the birds in the sky they do not sow the seed nor they worry about harvesting them. Will the Supreme Lord who is feeding even the birds not show grace on you? Why are you having so much disbelief? As a human you have got six senses and then why do you worry. The Supreme Lord who have created you, don’t know what you need? When you a do a deed on your own wish will it not become a sin? So the thing that you need to seek is the Kingdom of our Supreme Father.
Ask and you will be given! Seek and you will find it!! Knock and the door will be opened!!!
What you are expecting from others do yourself the same thing to others. These are the words from the Holy Scriptures.
All these teachings were interlinked with each other. Only through a proper Saint if we know the MeiPorul (True Treasure) can we get the life in the heavenly kingdom. This is Satyam (Promise).
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” This is divine wisdom conveyed as code words.
By the grace of Jesus read below to know the divine wisdom conveyed in the above words:
“Eyes were the Lamp of the body”. Jesus baptized using the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit. By using the divine light present in his eyes Jesus looked at the divine light present in everyone’s eyes and baptized. This is what baptizing with fire. “God is as light. If you walk in the light you can reach him”. In order for one to walk in the light, do penance on the divine light one has to be baptized by divine fire from a suitable Guru. Only then divinity will be got.
Seek a good guru who can baptize you with divine fire? You will find him. Ask him and the Guru will baptize you by opening your eyes with the divine fire of Holy Spirit. This baptizing is called Deekshai (Dee + Akshai). Dee means fire and Akshai means Eyes. Only the language changes but the true meaning is same. Then it is said to knock the door. Where to Knock? Jesus has asked us to enter the gates which are narrow; do you know which and where is that narrow gate and how to knock it? In the center of the pupil of our eyes there is a tiny hole of the size of needle tip. This hole is covered by layer of our Karma (Sins) and is closed. When you get Deekshai (Baptized) through a Guru you will get divine consciousness in your eyes and doing penance (meditating) on this divine consciousness will increase the divine light in our eyes which will melt the layer of Karma (sins) and then the divinity will be shown to us. This is the opening of the gates. Doing penance with divine consciousness in our eyes is what knocking the door. Our Supreme Lord is the ocean of mercy and Compassion and he will open the door and will take us in – in his heavenly abode and will shower his grace on us. This is the divine effort one has to do which is called penance. This tiny needle tip size hole is what is called by Jesus as narrow gates. Entering through that is only possible by doing penance on the divine consciousness got in the eye after one is baptized by Divine fire from a Guru. This is the divine wisdom conveyed by Jesus. One who knows this and were baptized by the divine fire of Holy Spirit were the lucky ones. They are the ones who will get the ever lasting life. The lamp of our body which were our eyes and one who gets baptized using the divine fire and does penance and enter through the narrow gates using one’s consciousness will see the lord who is as divine light.


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