Sunday, October 21, 2012

AUM.,, OM The Goddess of Harmonics

I am.,,,,,, The Goddess of Harmonics
Creation began with a tone...

a soul note
that echoed through the void of creation.

That note multiplied into the complexity

of a spiraling geometric matrix.
its tones beat in a pulsating rhythm

combining with colors and shapes

moving forth into the sea of creation.
The tones and cones of creational harmonics.

Celestial Harmonics Formed a Tree of Life.

I.,,,,,,, am.,,,,,, The Goddess of Harmonics.
Close your eyes.Premaswarupulara (embodiment's of love) The primordial sound 'Om' has no form. It has no beginning, no end. How can there be an end of something which has no beginning? Inhalation and exhalation are the two related processes.Similar are happiness and sorrow, merit and sin. God is beyond all these. One who is born will also die. But God has neither birth nor death. You should never forget this divine principle which signifies the unity of the entire creation. If you ask who is God, the answer to this question is that God is the principle of oneness in the entire diversity of the creation.

The loveliest explanation of OM is found within the ancient Vedic and Sanskrit traditions. We can read about AUM in the marvelous Manduka Upanishad, which explains the four elements of AUM as an allegory of the four planes of consciousness.

"A" (pronounced "AH" as in "father") resonates in the center of the mouth. It represents normal waking consciousness, in which subject and object exist as separate entities. This is the level of mechanics, science, logical reason, the lower three chakras. Matter exists on a gross level, is stable and slow to change.

Then the sound "U" (pronounced as in "who") transfers the sense of vibration to the back of the mouth, and shifts the allegory to the level of dream consciousness. Here, object and subject become intertwined in awareness. Both are contained within us. Matter becomes subtle, more fluid, rapidly changing. This is the realm of dreams, divinities, imagination, the inner world.

"M" is the third element, humming with lips gently closed. This sound resonates forward in the mouth and buzzes throughout the head. (Try it.) This sound represents the realm of deep, dreamless sleep. There is neither observing subject nor observed object. All are one, and nothing. Only pure consciousness exists, unseen, pristine, latent, covered with darkness. This is the cosmic night, the interval between cycles of creation, the womb of the divine Mother.

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