Thursday, September 6, 2012

You're Deep In It... Preparing for the Fall Equinox

You're Deep In It...

Preparing for the Fall Equinox

Hello Everyone!
We are in the final stretch of 2012.  Many felt the shift with the full/blue moon last week as another round of releasing began. We have 4 more months before the grand 'Shift of the Ages' as it is called becomes official, although we all know it is a huge window of time, not just a date.  

This new round of clearing seems to be smoother somehow, less emotion perhaps, yet penetrating none the less. There is a sense of calm and a deeper connection, remembering who we are and why we came here.  

Stay focused in your heart, laugh as much as possible, appreciate the little things that bring you joy and exude the Light that you are. 

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