Friday, September 7, 2012

What is Photon Energy? And moods ??

What is Photon Energy?

Photon energy is the powerful new energy source that will replace electricity in the new millennium.

It's a free energy source and nobody can monopolize it. Its outer edge or belt has already reached

Earth's atmosphere and is affecting not only Earth but many planets in the solar system. Photon energy

is light energy, and it permeates the Earth in waves. It has the power to extend human life because it

realigns the human body into a lightbody. Photon energy vibrates at a very high frequency and confers

the power of instant manifestation of thought. Therefore, it is essential to maintain clarity and purity of

thought by practicing daily meditation, being in the "now," and staying heart-centered. In one sense, the

Great Shift in Consciousness is the evolution of Mother Earth and her inhabitants into the realm of photon

energy for the next 2,000 years.
How to Stay Centered

The comments I hear from people about the [Photon Energy Forecast] chart is not in alignment

with my original intentions. For some people, when the photon energy is low, they want to hibernate.

Or, if the energy is going up, they want to buy something. The chart simply tells you if the photon energy

is going up or down. If the energy is going down, you need to bring up your energy. If the energy is going

up, you need to bring down your energy. Why not just bring up your energy and stay at the top of the

chart? The idea is to stay centered at the mid-range 5.0. Always stay centered at 5.0. That's the best place

to be.
The World Reacts Negative to the Peaks

When the photon energy is high in the sevens, eights and nines on the chart, the mastermind of

the world goes into a very negative state. Strange, isn't it? When the photon energy is high, the mass

consciousness slips into doom and gloom. It almost becomes interactive with the dark side, so to speak,

and the reason is people's thoughts become over-energized. Their thoughts are not usually in alignment

with the energy at these high levels, so they begin to think thoughts that they are no longer controlling.

This is because they try to think within the 10% human brain power instead of within the 90% embodiment

process. Thus, with such thoughts, the mass consciousness is thinking all at the same time, and it becomes

quite confused.
Use Masterminds of Light in the Valleys

When the photon energy is low -- in the ones and twos -- people are actually left to fend for

themselves. Their energy levels go in the opposite direction. They no longer take any energy for

themselves and give their powers away to whomever is holding the highest thought at the time.

For example, when the photon energy slips down to a 1.9, the mass consciousness becomes susceptible

to a mastermind, yet there is nobody putting anything in it. At these low levels, these are the best times

for the Lightworkers to come together and work the masterminds of Light. This is the highest possible

reality for the lightworkers within which to maintain their most stringent balance because they are not

opposing any negative masterminds from the mass consciousness. At these low levels, this is the place

for the lightworkers to come together and intermesh the "light work" so that the mass consciousness

can be of the Light, rather than waiting to make a change.

As a lightworker, you are better off with the photon energy at a low level. For example, let's say you are

working on manifesting something. Pick the lowest energy level that you can find on the chart. It is there

you want to amplify your mastermind of manifestation because there is very little stability in the mass

consciousness at that point. "Stability" is a key word. With no stability in the mass consciousness, if you

have a group of lightworkers that become stable in a mastermind, then you can manifest your mastermind

at a much higher and quicker pace.
Meditate, Meditate, Meditate

I can't emphasize enough to meditate, meditate, meditate. You must understand that it's a state

of consciousness that will get you through the Shift. There is no magic pill or anything like that. It is the

simplicity of awakening into your heart energy that can take you through the Shift process.
How to Read the Photon Energy Forecast

Master Kirael selects certain days within each month to correlate with a photon energy value.

This value is always a single digit followed by a decimal point and two more digits. The distance between

forecast photon energy values is not linear; it can vary from one to three days.

As Master Kirael describes above, you can view the photon energy forecast in terms of highs and lows

and maintaining a center point. Kirael has also guided us to apply his numerology to reveal another level

of meaning in his photon forecasts. For example, a photon energy level of 4.19 could be viewed as a "4" or

balance of the four bodies, moving into a "1" or creation energy with a "9" or a completion factor.

This simple interpretation may offer grand insights into the energies at work during that particular day.
Photon Energy: Healing Energy for Mother Earth & Humanity

Photon Energy is the new energy of the new era, the fourth dimension. Mother Earth has

requested the aid of photon energy to heal herself from humanity's runaway environmental savagery

and to ascend into the new energy. Photon energy is unlike anything you have ever seen, heard of, or

been a part of.

This new energy vibrates at a much higher frequency than Earth, and it has powers to heal, align, and

change things. It can extend human life because its molecular structure realigns the human body into a

light body. Photon energy is light energy, and it moves through every galaxy at one point or another.

The Great Shift is the evolution of Mother Earth and her inhabitants into the photon energy.

Photon energy permeates anything that comes into its path. It is already permeating the Earth plane.

The outer edge or belt of the photon energy has already reached Earth's atmosphere and is affecting not

only Earth, but many planetary systems around Earth.

It offers independence from fossil fuels and nobody can monopolize this energy. It is a free energy

source that anyone will be able to harness, and it will meet all of your power needs after the Shift. It

has been used in major shifts to bring energy to a system that can no longer operate on its current energy.

Since photon energy vibrates at a very high frequency, it confers the power of instant manifestation

of thought, which means whatever you think, you create instantly. Therefore, it is essential to maintain

clarity and purity of thought through meditation and being in the "now." Those in the process of change

and transformation will quickly adapt to photon energy. It is a healing energy for the highest good of all.

Earth's solar system is within the outer edge of the Photon Belt. It will take approximately three days for

Earth to pass through the outer rim, which will produce the "three days of darkness" described in the book,

Kirael: The Great Shift. Inside the photon energy field, Earth will experience constant daylight.

The actual entrance into the photon energy belt is directly influenced by the rate of spiritual awakening of

Earth's population. Humanity's awakening to the tragic plight of Mother Earth can and will influence this

time factor. Mother Earth is sending a message to humanity to pay attention to Mother Earth. She is calling for an adjustment because of the incoming photon energy. When she calls for an adjustment, essentially she is re-aligning herself. Photon energy is the brother of Mother Earth.

At this time, the entrance into the Belt is planned soon after the [most recent] turn of the century, yet the

exact date depends on humanity's positive thought and response to Mother Earth's messages.

It is estimated that Mother Earth will stay in the photon energy field for the next 2,000 years.
Riding Photon Energy Waves

Photon energy comes in waves. The ebb and flow of the wave is normal and natural.

When these waves hit, they are so big that they engulf the Earth plane almost all at once. It doesn't take

two or three days to span the Earth. The waves just sweep in and sweep out. It's very quick. They come

in very quickly and leave very quickly. The wave looks like a spiral. It does not really have a beginning

and end, but because it sweeps past Earth, it appears to have a beginning and end. It's really in a totality

of a spiral motion.

The thickness of the waves is important. A thick wave measures at a higher number because there is more

photon energy permeating the Earth plane at that time. A thin wave might measure a quarter mile wide,

and a thick wave can measure 1.5 to 2 miles wide.

Photon energy amplifies both your fears and love. It literally floats right through you. When it's in, a

person can feel great. That's the upside. The downside is that it can amplify your fears if you let it, and

you can feel depressed. Don't let this become a backdoor. The key to working effectively with photon

energy is to stay in Truth-Trust-Passion. Don't become dependent on it to make you feel good.

It's not about feeling good. It's about progress in growth and understanding, and preparing for the

Great Shift. link back

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