Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Rosicrucian principles of prosperity are

Discover How Extraordinary You Really Are!

Rosicrucianism is philosophical, initiatic tradition. The aim of the Rosicrucian is to study the laws of nature, in order to live in harmony with them. The teachings encourage each student how to find the wisdom, compassion, strength and peace that already reside within us. Rosicrucians study Mysticism, Egyptology. Philosophy, Art, Music, Science and History. Their website is at the bottom of this page.
What I want to share with you here is that, according to Rosicrucian Grand Master, Julie Scott, just by reviewing the principles of prosperity, you can set the Cosmic law of attraction into motion. A lecture that Julie gave about this subject from the Rosicrucian perspective is virtually identical to the process that you will find elsewhere on my site, but her advice about the words to choose to say out loud is an interesting variation on the theme, so……
The Rosicrucian principles of prosperity are:
1. That prosperity is an expansion of awareness, it is a state of mind - a matter of awareness and focus. Prosperity is also found by asking the right questions; for just as in Quantum Physics attention transforms waves into particles of matter, so our thoughts create the realities with which we live.
2. Our conscious is two- fold and we must use symbols or pictures to contact the subconscious, the inner self. (This is where vision boards come in – my words)
3. The goals and wishes must be charged with emotion but we must also keep the message we are sending to our subconscious clear. If we visualise good health for 10 minutes per day but don't take care of ourselves the other 23 hours and 50 minutes, what message will our subconscious receive? Furthermore we should not continually check up on our request. We must not doubt that it will manifest.
Here are the practical steps to take to manifest your goals:
Think about something you would like to have manifest in your life. Choose a goal that you have tried to create yourself but could not. Preferably choose something that serves the higher purpose of your life and the higher good.
Next, see it manifested. Envision it.
Then, notice how you feel.... Experience this wholly - taste, smell, hear and feel it.
Julie goes on to advise would be manifesters to repeat the following 4 steps. Say out loud…
1. I know that the Cosmic is the infinite and unfailing source of all abundance.
2. I ask the Cosmic that ....... Insert your wish
3. I give thanks that my request has already been fulfilled. I open my arms, my heart and my mind and I willingly accept Cosmic abundance.
4. I now have made a covenant in which it is agreed that the Cosmic is supplying me with an abundance of all things necessary to live a successful and happy life. In return I have dedicated myself to being of maximum service to God/humanity; to living my life in a fashion that sets the highest example for others to follow and to remaining open and responsive to the guidance of the master within. If it is the will of the Cosmic, it is done.
After making this covenant it is important to give something in return; make a donation; serve someone in need, offer a service. The idea is to open to the law of flow - to give something back for what you are about to receive.
Finally, remember this:
The most amazing gifts can come at the most unexpected times.
There is value in getting out of our own way. The gifts making their way to us can be greater than we could ever have thought to have asked for, and likewise our requests can come in ways we could never have thought of.
Never forget that the more one gives, the more one receives. This is Cosmic law.

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