Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Neuroenergetic Psychology

Neuroenergetic Psychology

Energy Psychology System

Neuroenergetic Psychology N.E.P. is a somatic energy psychology system based on the principle that the health of body, mind, and spirit is rooted in the relationship between the perception of reality and the body’s habituated reaction to those perceptions. Psychological conflicts, habituated behaviors, unconscious reactive patterns and related health problems can be diminished, and often overcome, by effectively shifting the conscious and unconscious memories that maintain them held in the mind and body and affect our health and well-being all the way to the level of the gene..

The Neuroenergetic Psychology System teaches the health practitioner or therapist, through personal experience, how to guide the client into a balanced and integrated state using this powerful somatic psychology protocol.


Originally the word “health” meant whole or undivided. However, today the word health has come to mean something quite different. Today, it is more likely to mean free from illness or able to have enough energy to pursue your daily activities.

Our body/mind is and has always been automatically responsive to and focused on the patterns stored within. Information inherited from our ancestors mixes with our accumulated life experiences and becomes our ‘metaphors of the flesh’. These ‘metaphors of the flesh’ are the feelings and impulses that arise in our bodies. As these feelings arise from our responses to our perception of sensory input, we rely on them for guidance and understanding of the environment and our place in it

Currently as we grow and change in our modern world, our body/mind needs to learn new patterns to prepare us for different responses. We must look at our reflexive response patterns in order to attain optimum health and well being that is grounded in self-initiated conscious creative behavior.

This new way of processing shifts our attention from an unquestioned automatic response to the impulses we perceive, to a conscious, creative responsiveness. This new way of processing helps us to create a sense of congruent alignment – a unity of consciousness. When, feelings are felt, our responses to them are translated into the voices we hear in our heads.

What is Unity of Consciousness?

We commonly understand it as being the general capacity for awareness and purposeful response that issues from some physical mechanism that is far more basic than the developed human brain and nervous system.

All of the sensory co-ordination, motor reflexes and apparent automatic unity of consciousness we observer in complex organisms is apparent in single celled organisms and simple organisms, as well as in more complex organisms.

Our Ability to Perceive the Whole

One of the most essential features of human consciousness is so basic that we usually take it for granted: it is the unity of our conscious experience. Every note we hear in a musical symphony is part of the melody. We do not hear each note in isolation, any more than each letter in a novel or each pixel in a printed picture.

The theme of a symphony or the plot of a novel are what have been called ‘emergent’ qualities. They only emerge at the collective (or unified) level of structure but are meaningless at the component level. If we look out of a window, we are not aware of each individual thing in isolation. We may see a tree in a location in a garden, together with the sky, the landscape and the horizon. All of these things are present to us in a single instant. Only in their wholeness do they compose our view from the window. Without such a unity, there would be no experience of reality as we know it, no unity of consciousness.

Our Unique, Embodied Experiences

Each experience is so much more than a mere mental process. Each experience is a moment of life which we record with our whole body. These experiences are literally woven into the fibers of our being and become the tapestry of our life. Our perceptions of reality are individual and unique because we create our ‘unity of conscious’ experience based on how the fibers of our tapestry are woven.

Who chooses—from among all possible actions—what is likely to happen or not happen? You do this either consciously or unconsciously. You connect events together, creating what you perceive. You assign your attention, making the connections between events. Your body/mind creates the paths connecting the events. This is how consciousness affects your physical body and the universe in general—by creating pathways.

Attention Directs Energy

Energy in the universe does not naturally follow a single path. Physicist Fred Alien Wolf suggests that, "Between two events there are many paths, many connections. By focusing on one of the paths, by restricting one's awareness to a single path as the most important, the other paths appear to vanish, even though they are still present. What is so special about the path that is observed? It turns out to be the ‘Least-action-path'-one that appeared to bring order and sense into the world.”

All of our habits—on the conscious, unconscious, and body levels—arise through the creation of ‘least-action-paths.’ They are the actions we experience in our everyday lives and are also the literal pathways for neural information in our brain and nerve system. They are the habits that we use for our survival—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Many of these habits, these least-action-paths, were developed over the genetic history of our species and are stored as genetic (innate) memories. Other memories have been developed through the experience of our lives (acquired memories). Most of these response pathways are reflexive-stimulated from a level beneath our conscious awareness.

The sub-conscious body level memory is fully alert at all times; most of us are just unaware of its actions and processes. Being driven by the survival instinct, there is an inherent danger in that we often tend to live our lives robotically—just going through the motions— repeating the same responses or behaviors over and over again, and not examining the motivations of our actions and emotions. We make many important choices automatically, which are not always in our best interests. This takes us out of choice, and most often we are not consciously aware that a choice is even being made.

Conscious Creative Individuals create their reality not only by setting their intention consciously, they also re-pattern their responses to State Dependent Memory patterns to create new least-action paths that reflect the their desired reality.

We Are the Creators of what We Observe.

There is no such thing as an independent observer who can stand on life's sidelines watching nature run its course without influencing it. The distinction between objective and subjective reality is a myth, and this realization has led to a new understanding of the relationship between us and the universe. This realization brings into sharp focus the awareness of the importance of our thinking process, beliefs and feelings that we use to observe our reality.

Physicist John Wheeler sees the involvement of the observer as the most important feature of quantum theory:
"Nothing is more important about the quantum principle than this: that it destroys the concept of the world as ‘sitting out there,’ with the observer safely separated from it by a 20 centimeter slab of plate glass. To describe what has happened, one has to cross out that old word ‘observer’ and put in its place the new word ‘participator’. In some strange sense, the universe is a participatory universe."

In order to participate fully as a conscious creative individual and attain optimum health, it is imperative that we free ourselves from destructive patterns and habituated behaviors.

Bud !!

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