How to Use Acupressure for Lovers
2Learn the various acupressure points throughout the body. There are points all throughout the body so it's helpful to have a map of the pressure points nearby.
3Choose the acupressure points you would like to access. You can choose points all over your lover's body.

Use acupressure on your lover
Acupressure is a very powerful technique that has been shown to relieve pain and illnesses as well as encourage overall body wellness. Acupressure can also be used between lovers to improve sexual experiences. Through the correct application of pressure, you can relieve tension and increase sensitivity, thereby preparing the body for more increased sexual stimulation. Does this Spark an idea?
1Discuss acupressure with your lover. Explain its benefits in relation to sex.
Acupressure is a very powerful technique that has been shown to relieve pain and illnesses as well as encourage overall body wellness. Acupressure can also be used between lovers to improve sexual experiences. Through the correct application of pressure, you can relieve tension and increase sensitivity, thereby preparing the body for more increased sexual stimulation. Does this Spark an idea?
1Discuss acupressure with your lover. Explain its benefits in relation to sex.
2Learn the various acupressure points throughout the body. There are points all throughout the body so it's helpful to have a map of the pressure points nearby.
3Choose the acupressure points you would like to access. You can choose points all over your lover's body.
4Apply gentle pressure to the neck, about one inch below the skull's base. This is known as the Heavenly Pillar. Applying pressure here relieves stress, helping to prepare your lover for sex.
5Find the Third Eye Point, located between the eyebrows and apply light pressure there. This will spread calm throughout your lover's body.
6Apply pressure to the Sea of Tranquility pressure point, centered on the breastbone, between the nipples. This pressure aids in restoring emotional balance.
Acupressure Point CV 17 for Relieving Stress, Calming Anxiety, Deepening your Breath, and Healing your Heart Emotionally
I know Valentine’s Day is meant to share love, however so many people are faced with tremendous stress, unhealed hurt from relationships, and personal strife. All these pressures around us affect the collective consciousness that needs healing.
How do you really feel about stresses in your personal life and in the world? Most people numb their pain or are stuck in some kind of survival mode – breathing shallowly.
I am writing to give you an opportunity thru acupressure and an easy self-healing practice to relieve anxiety. Using this acupressure blog can clear and transform negative emotions, deepen your breathing, and open your heart.

Try the following Acupressure breathing movement meditation which is in the instructional video clip below for a few weeks, to discover the benefits.
Point Location: CV 17, a great emotional balancing point, is four finger widths up from the base of your breastbone, in the center of your chest. Use your fingertips to slowly rub up and down in the center of your breastbone to feel for an indentation, between the nipples on a man.
For Self-Healing place your palms together, your fingers pointing upward, and with the back knuckles of your thumbs pressing into the center of your breastbone to hold CV 17, known as the Sea of Tranquility point. With your spine straight, focus on breathing slowly and deeply into this emotional healing acupressure point to nurture your heart.
Directions: Keep your hands in prayer position with your spine straight, supported by a straight back chair. Close your eyes gently. Inhale, as your head slightly comes upward. Exhale slowly as your head relaxes downward.
7Press on the Spirit Gates points, located on the outside edge of the wrist, underneath the little fingers. These points have been linked to sexual satisfaction.
8Incorporate acupressure into your foreplay, intermixing it with kissing and stroking.
9Begin with lighter pressure on the points and gradually increase the intensity.
10Apply the most pressure as your lover climaxes. This will help to increase the intensity of the orgasm.
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