Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Frequency and Planes

Frequency and Planes

We, and everything we see, operate at a certain frequency, or range of frequencies (frequency band.) Everything we can see, touch and manipulate is also at this same range of frequencies.

There are higher and lower frequencies, which we are not aware of. Some of which are just outside our band and so we can detect them using sensitive equipment, but most of which we are unable to detect as our equipment is still made from matter at our frequency.

There are many frequency bands which we are totally unaware of, since they do not interact with anything at our frequency. If you can't see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or in any way detect something, then for us it is not there. But that doesn't mean it does not exist.

We take for granted that "solid" objects can't pass through one another. But there is no scientific or Natural law which says that two things can't be in the same place at the same time. The reason why we don't see two things in the same place at the same time is simply because the forces operating from these objects repel each other. This is why we can see and touch an object, because it repels light and our hands. But an object outside of our band of frequency would not repel this object, or us, or light (electromagnetic waves) which we can detect, and so we would not detect it. Radio waves (electromagnetic waves too) are a little outside of our frequency, and so can pass through solid objects, but we can still detect them with specialized equipment, and so we use them for communications.

I will call different bands of frequency which interact independently: planes.

The sun operates at a massive range of frequencies, and so exists in many different planes. The planets exist across a wide range of frequencies, but not so many as the sun. The planets will of course appear different on the different planes.

Here and now, at our frequency band (on our plane) Earth is the only planet capable of supporting life in our solar system. This is due to many factors, most notably the distance of the Earth from the sun, and the atmosphere of the Earth at our frequency, and the abundance of water, make it perfect for life. The other planets are capable of supporting life on different planes, but not on our plane. There will also be suns and planets on higher planes (higher frequency bands) or lower planes, which we can't detect at all. On vastly higher or lower planes, the concept of suns and planets likely doesn't exist, and there will be something else, which we have no concept of.

Suns and planets are also evolving to higher frequencies, through the cycles of Nature, same as the development of the Stone. We as humans are also evolving into higher frequencies. Actually our "souls" exist totally outside this whole concept of planes, which I will cover later. Meanwhile we are here, and we adopt bodies according to our "spiritual" development, which is just a way of saying: frequency band we are tuned into. Our bodies can only exist on a planet which is capable of supporting them, which is why we are all here, because we are all tuned into this plane and so born here on Earth.

The Earth is about to shift to a higher frequency
. Everyone who is unable to shift their frequency with the Earth will die, since Earth will become uninhabitable for the frequency they are tuned into. But no worries, as these people will be born again on another planet which is more suitable to their development. The Stone excels everything it interacts with, bringing it towards its own higher frequency. All frequencies are influenced by higher frequencies, but low frequencies cannot influence high frequencies.

By expanding your awareness (traditionally by meditation) or by taking the Stone, you can tune yourself into a higher frequency. In the past this has meant leaving this world for a higher plane, but since Earth is shifting into a higher frequency itself, we can stay here for a while.

Matter of like frequency will attract each other, which is the effect we call gravity. Therefore higher frequency objects, which are still detectable, will be lighter, since they are less attracted by the object in this plane. Gravity will have less affect on them. This is why extremely "enlightened" individuals have a habit of performing miracles such as walking on water, or levitation. They are however still attracted by higher frequency objects, and if their development continues then they will become more and more involved in the higher plane and tune out of this one.

Frequencies attracting like also make it possible to attract circumstances and entire concepts just by thinking about them. This is what that popular book "The Secret" was all about, although it's not exactly a secret (kind of obvious really.) The placebo effect works this way too.

"As above, so below." Everything in the universe works on the same principles, big or small. A fundamental truth applies on every level. If something doesn't apply on every level then it is not a real truth. It is true that solar systems and atoms work on the same principle. It is a harmonic principle they follow. You can't expect that they look the same way from our perspective, but that doesn't mean they work on different principles. Whenever we look up everything appears orderly and predictable. Whenever we look down everything appears chaotic and unpredictable. This is only a matter of perspective. If you were a galaxy then you would think solar systems look chaotic and unpredictable. If you were an atom you'd think humans were orderly and predictable.

Particles are an illusion; they are really fields of energy which act kind of like waves. These energy fields are an illusion, they are caused by thought. Thought is as illusion too, it's caused by desire. Desire is an illusion caused by separation. Separation is an illusion.

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