Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Energy Kinesiology

Energy Kinesiology

Energy Kinesiology is a non-invasive, holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Your body’s innate tendency is to be well and healthy. Energy Kinesiologists use a biofeedback system called muscle monitoring to discover areas of stress/imbalance in the body, mind and energy systems and identify ways to bring you back to a healthy balance.

 Combining  the muscle monitoring with various modalities to reduce stress and pain thus opening the door to optimum health and wellbeing.

 Kinesiology can be thought of as a hands-on approach to wellness. Many believe it is the most effective stand-alone technology of the future in alternative medicine.

Of the many advances in Applied Kinesiology, the most well known is the diagnostic procedure called muscle monitoring. This procedure establishes a monitored primary feedback mechanism between the nervous system and the skeletal muscles. An examiner will typically use the straight-arm test (deltoid muscle) to evaluate how well the muscle will resist an externally variable force. If the muscle is capable of ‘resisting’ then the examiner can proceed with a second principle called therapy localization, a diagnostic scanning tool developed in 1974. This unique procedure can be used to ascertain the status of most any neuro-physiological event in the body whether that event is physical, chemical, emotional, or a memory. If a neuro-physiological event is identified to be in deficit, then the muscle will exhibit that same deficiency, manifesting as a weak muscle test. This method, when properly applied, will function as an efficient evaluation tool to guide the practitioner in determining the most appropriate therapy.

Innovators continue to develop specialized systems such as:
Learning Enhancement Advanced Program (LEAP) by Dr. Charles Krebs, a system for brain integration which employs switch-on points and techniques for the Central Nervous System involving coordination of the eyes, ears, speech, memory and concentration.
Educational Kinesiology (Brain Gym) by Dr. Paul Dennison, which makes use of conventional cross patterning movements to re-integrate divergent patterns which cause dis-stress.

Emotional diffusion methods such as Emotional Stress Release (Touch for Health) are found in many Energy Kinesiology systems. Sources of stress may be physical, mental, emotional, chemical, environmental and behavioural. Energy Kinesiology can balance you so that the source of stress no longer causes you dis-stress. Various techniques are combined with emotional balancing, affirmations, visualization, massage techniques and movement exercise. Some systems, such as Three-In-One concepts (Gordon Stokes) focus exclusively on releasing past trauma so that the person may move on with his or her life.

Some systems are structurally focused. For instance, Neural Organization Technique by CarlFerreri works with various reflex systems of the body to balance the brain/body connection, addressing imbalances in posture, movement, digestion, learning and memory.

Food Sensitivity Testing - Most of us have some sensitivities to food, chemicals, and environmental toxins, and are often not aware of the negative effect on our health. EnergyKinesiology can determine these intolerances or sensitivities as well as restoring optimal brain integration balance.

The term Energy Kinesiology encompasses many systems and modalities. The over-riding commonality of these various approaches is the use of muscle monitoring and the theories of the energies of our being. Energy Kinesiology can bring you to balance body, heart, mind and spirit, for optimum health and happiness.

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