Many times when I teach the Medical Intuitive Courses using the Millennium Modality I am asked about Atonement. The word Atonement has been used many times and in many teachings all around the world and through out history. Atonement is something we address empower in Module III, Medical Intuition Courses.

No Separation
Let’s commence with the basic of what Atonement means. Atonement is the purification of the separate MIND. Atonement is the release of the grip of EGO (separation) so that absolute love can posses. The separate mind is the illusion that we are different and/or separate from anything or anyone. The ego is a construct of the duality polarity consciousness of the
3rd dimension which cohabits with the Higher self. It perpetuates the illusion of separation, focusing on duality of everything. As a society, if we knew we were all one and connected to an amazing source or energy called omnipresent or absolute love, we would understand we are not separate from anything/anyone. If this was the case we would not have any fear based emotions and therefore we would live in peace and harmony. Letting go of ego is remaining in your heart. It is atonement.

Open Heart - 5th Dimension
The open heart shall be in acceptance of all conditions. You will want new experiences, be courageous, optimistic and aware of soul intent and purpose. Life will be looked at with love, compassion & open mind/heart. This is known as the
5th dimension. These were the teachings in ancient Egypt and the hidden High Priests and Priestesses. The concept of building pyramids was the physical creation of the new 10 point merkaba and ascension to God beyond with no fear based emotions. It was a genesis of all is forgiven and the opportunity to recreate a new world for each individual, being, plant and animal.

Egypt - Sacred Ceremony for Atonement
Atonement is when the ego self has come to know itself so clearly, so lovingly, so wisely that it no longer runs by the shadow (fear). This is self realisation. Atonement is complete transformation of the ego self to absolute love. Any aspect of the ego self left unloved keeps one bound to the inner and outer drama. This then creates illusions of separation. When one is in the illuminated state (self realised) there ceases to be any inner/outer drama and the personal ego has surrounded itself fully to the loving embrace of the soul. The atonement, ascension and awakening to self realisation is a connection to ALL THAT IS. This then brings with it:
1. Union with the Universal Mind (omnipresent)
2. Heightened awareness
3. Altered perception of reality

Omnipresent - We are one strand of DNA
The atonement creates a break down and surrender of ego and separation then brings the following concepts to live a life of peace and joy:
a. Eliminate the suffering from your own mind – connect to the omnipresent
b. Cultivate joy (working from heart) – kindness, love of others and self
c. Know everything has been done in love – you are a soul having a human experience
d. Serve others and you shall be served

Ganesh - Remover of Obstacles
The atonement has been written about in the Bible, Course of Miracles, Book of Enoch and more. The end result is we are all souls having a human experience and returning to the omnipresent to remember we are one – we are absolute love. The end result is experiencing the following:
1. Taking conscious responsibility
2. Not blaming others
3. Deliberately decide to grow & learn (prosper)
4. Don’t have to be right – except for themselves
5. See problems as lessons – knowing we are here to learn
6. We can change ourselves by changing our thinking
7. Change yourself not others and you will have changed the world
8. By going inside you search for strength
9. Love does not come with conditions attached
10. Love & know yourself and you will love & know others
11. Seeing others as a whole – not better/less than themselves
12. Choose your own path rather than follow (Sheep mentality)
13. Now is what we have – yesterday was a thought & so is tomorrow
14. Own yourself rather than things
15. See joy rather than pain
There is only love no matter what you see
Akashic records of the knowledge - Love

There is only love no matter what you see
In summary, the new Millennium understanding of ancient wisdom is that atonement is cleaning up the illusions of the separation and understanding we are all (1) or the same coming from an original source – Omnipresent. Our gift and journey is to return to that state of being such as we were when we were born and realise all is only Love – absolute love and empowerment. In doing this the physical body will want to release emotions and return to completeness (addressed in Medical Intuitive Courses) The mind will need purification and may trigger some people to the illusion of depression. This is also linked with ascension and ascension signs and symptoms. It is time to remember there is nothing but peace, harmony, balance and integration of the physical and metaphysical worlds (taughtModule II – Medical Intuitive) to create a quantum reality of neutral. (AddressedModule III Medical Intuition).

Akashic records of the knowledge - Love
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