Saturday, July 23, 2016

alkaline water

Bottled Water Not Even Close To Safe

Most people are far too trusting of their governments regulation of things that affect their safety and well being.  They have come to see the government as their  “Mom and Dad” and trust them blindly.  That is a HUGE mistake !!!

The Environmental Working Group and the Natural Resources Defense Council, which released its own report critical of bottled water purity in 1999, want the FDA to require bottlers to list contaminants on water bottle labels.
In its report, the National Resources Defense Council noted that the EPA requires more frequent testing of municipal water than the FDA requires for bottled water, and that bottled water rules allow some contamination by E. coli or fecal coliforms, which indicate possible fecal matter contamination.  The report noted that the FDA does not require bottled water to be tested for parasites such as cryptosporidium or giardia; the EPA does require this testing for tap water.
If that concerns you then I’m sure this will as well.  A group of German researchers decided to conduct a study of the contents of bottled water and this experiment resulted in something pretty horrifying.  They found close to 25,000 chemicals lurking in just one bottle of water, and the majority of these chemicals “mimic the effects of potent pharmaceuticals inside your body,” according to
The study, which was published in the journal PLoS One, was divided into two parts. During test number one, scientists examined 18 random bottles of water from around the world. And to their dismay, they detected something in the water that interfered with two types of hormone receptors (estrogen and androgen) — between 60 percent and 90 percent activity.
As for test number two, scientists dug deeper to find out exactly which chemicals were the behind the hormone issue. And this is when they discovered 24,500 different chemicals taking up space in bottled water. Yet, we’re being told that sipping bottled water is healthy for us, even though these hormones and chemicals can cause serious harm, like diabetes, heart disease, infertility and cancer. Call me paranoid, but I’ll stick to my triple filtered, ionized Kangen water from home. It will taste better and be MUCH better for me !!!
Wishing You Great Health And Much Prosperity


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