Monday, November 4, 2013

Fo-Ti,He Shou Wu

He Shou Wu
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the life force of the human body is made up of Qi and Blood. Blood is actually considered to be the physical dense form of Qi. Where Qi flows, blood flows and vice versa. So one can see how important it is to keep it healthy from a TCM standpoint so that one can live fully and abundantly.

Now there are many ways to restore vitality to aging or weak blood. One of the best ways we've discovered that seems to work for everyone is central to TCM regular consumption of the root,
He Shou Wu  This herb has so many numerous health promoting and age-defying application, it’s hard to just ignore. But focusing on its blood building and toning effects we find that He Shou Wu

1) Promotes the output of erythrocytes red blood cells by directly stimulating the hematopoietic stem cells. A study also found that a marked increase in bone marrow cells produced peripheral reticulated blood cells new red blood cells on day six of treatment

2) Works to make the membranes of erythrocytes stronger. This is because He Shou Wu has an abundant supply of lecithin in it. Lecithin is a phospholipid and hence all cells use it to strengthen their membranes. In red blood cells, this added strength armors the cell from oxidation . Oxidation of the entire human system has been sited in many studies as a cause of aging.

3) One study found that He Shou Wu can rapidly reduce high blood pressure in rabbits. Another rabbit study found that the root initially raised blood pressure but in the long term few hours later reduced it to below normal levels

4) Blood plasma lipid fat peroxidation was significantly depressed in old mice 19-20 month fed a derivative of He Shou Wu for four months. At the end of the study, peroxidation levels were equivalent to three month old mice. If we translate this to human age, it would mean a 60 year old human’s blood can be as young as that of a 6 year old if they consume He Shou Wu continuously for 10 years.“ 2,3,5,4-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glucopyranoside is considered to be the active ingredient that lowers blood plasma lipids levels 
5) Lowers blood viscosity stickiness thereby increasing blood flow rates .

So as can be seen, using our health-consciousness to supply our blood with the ability to carry out its tasks day in and day out is being respectful of the great and amazing whole system that we are. And in doing this, we receive the multitude of benefits it can provide us in return.

He Shou Wu is an amazing herb, truly astonishing in the benefits it bestows on those who respect and use it. The blood promoting capacity of it is just one aspect of this multi-dimensional plant and in the future we will discuss more of them. For this reason, Superman Herbs carries He Shou Wu extract in the acknowledgement of its powerful therapeutic effects

For all you science buffs out there:To date they have found He Shou Wu contains leucoanthrocyanides  which are anti-inflammatory, Chrysophanol, Emodin, Rhapontin, Phenolic Glucosides, Nitrogen, Minerals, Starch up to 50%, Unsaturated Fat, Lecithin, and Oxymethylanthroquinone. Keep in mind these are only the ones the can identify There may be hundreds more
Research has demonstrated that Polygonum multiflorum can very significantly increase superoxide dismutase  activity. SOD is a powerful natural antioxidant and free radical scavenger that has been demonstrated to have powerful anti-aging benefits in humans. Polygonum multiflorum also inhibits b -monoamine oxidase . Both of these factors contribute to the anti-aging effects of this herb.

Polygonum multiflorum has been demonstrated to help strengthen the membranes of erythrocytes red blood cells and to promote the growth and development of erythrocytes. Polygonum multiflorum has been found to induce the production in human beings of g-interferon.
Polygonum multiflorum is being used clinically in China for patients suffering from Schizophrenia. It is generally combined with Shen stabilizing herbs such as Ziziphus and Polygonum stem. Reportedly, results have been good.

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