Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Joy of Organics

An Organic Food Buying Club in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Founded in South Florida in 2005 we provide the freshest organic produce to our group members.
Welcome to The Joy of Organics: Produce Buying Club located in South Florida, where our goal is to offer the widest variety of farm freshest produce and a REAL value, in Fort Lauderdale. Every two weeks we get a delivery of 25 to 35 lbs of the freshest organic fruits and vegetables (9 veggies and 5 fruits). 

Just to give you and overview, shares always include leafy greens (kale, shard, spinach, mustard greens, etc) fresh salad lettuce (no iceberg...romaine, green leaf, red leaf etc..), something from the root family (potato, sweet potato, turnip, rutabaga. extras like broccoli, cabbage,green beans, snap peas, tomatoes eggplant, peppers, garlic, mushrooms of all kinds, and so much more. Our fruits include bananas, apples, berries, mango, stone fruit, melon, and more.

Full shares includes 35 to 35 pounds and the pick up price is $49.00. Half shares are available for $30.00. (Same at Whole Food - $100 to $150/ Same NON ORGANIC at Publix $80 to $120)

A preliminary list is sent out the Friday before pick up to give you an idea of what is coming. The final list cones out on Monday before Wednesday pick up which included all the freshest that comes in from the farms.

Our produce comes right from the farm to us (NO SHELF TIME). While it is living produce, most is so fresh it will keep much longer when properly stored.

Recipes are continuously provided. You will learn to explore and experiment with healthy and delicious foods for you and your family sustaining the health of you and your family and supporting the world.

Interested in giving it a try??? Contact me and I will put you on a trial run. You can try it for the first week and see how you like it. Share spots are limited so contact me to discuss membership:

-Always fresh
-Always certified
-Always price below retail

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