Sunday, January 27, 2013



Sit in Easy Pose. Chin slightly into the chest. Raise the chest slightly. Pull the lower spine forward slightly.

Eyes: Focused on the tip of the nose.

Mudra: Place your hands, palms facing forward at the level of the face, to the sides of each shoulder, about 12 inches away from each ear and just slightly forward of vertical. All fingers point straight up. Bend the sun fingers and place the pads of this finger on top of the sun mount, the fleshy part of the palm directly at the base of the sun finger. Hold it down with the thumb pressing on the nail of the ring finger. Lock yourself in this position. Meditate silently while listening to the mantraSAT SIREE, SIREE AKAALSIREE AKAAL, MAAHA AKAAL,MAAHA AKAAL, SAT NAAM,AKAAL MOORAT, WAH-HAY GUROO

Time: 11 minutes. Do not exceed this time limit.

Comments: You and God shall sit face to face when you will perfect this kriya. I am giving it to you because you are my future. This will give you strength and wings. It will take you away from weaknesses. It will give you vitality. Sometimes you may want to overdose on this meditation. But after every 11 minutes, you must take a break. Don't extend this for more than 11 minutes at one time. Why? If you become a perfect practitioner of it, you’ll reach a state of nonexistence, and then there’ll be trouble. You’ll start moving the whole world, and you will not like to move yourself. You are young people and it’ll ruin your life. Then you can sit and say, “Okay, somebody should go to my office and do the work.” And somebody will get up from the house and represent you and do your work. There’s no human who can refuse you, there’s no power which shall not bow to you. There’s no situation which shall not obey you.

Part Two

Same posture as in Part One.

Eyes: Focused on the tip of nose.

Mantra: Chant the mantra Wahe Guru [Wah-hay Guroo], in a very particular fashion, pulling three locks as you chant. Break it into three parts: WAH - HAY - GUROO

Time: 11 minutes

On Wah, pull the Root Lock (anus, sex organs, and navel) in very sharply. There will be a brief pause at the end of Wah. Wah is chanted short and fast. Hay and Guroo are run together in one continuous sound with no break, but there is a slight emphasis on the hay. On hay you deeply pull the Navel Point even further in and up, pulling in the Diaphragm Lock, also. On Guroo you apply the Neck Lock—then release and begin again. If done properly, you will feel an upward circular movement of the energy, “like a roller.” The belly must come in, come up toward the diaphragm, and then release.

Comments: This meditation will give you a powerful projection of a thought. It invokes the pure energy of the navel. Wahe Guru is a trikutee mantra, the mantra of the ajna chakra or third eye. If not chanted properly, it does nothing. When the Root Lock, Diaphragm Lock and the Neck Lock are applied all together, it is called Great Lock or mahabandh. And when a person perfects mahabandh, he controls the universe just with his thought. Wah is a water sound. If you pour a bottle of water, it’ll sound like waah, waah, waah. There is 60 percent water in you. You will have control of water. If you say hay properly by turning the middle of the tongue, hay will sound very effective. If your sound hay becomes perfect, send a mental message, job is done. Once in a while when I'm tired, I don't want to make a phone call because I don't remember the number, so I just send the mental message, and then ring, and I say, “Hi, I was going to call you.” I should not use it, but sometimes I am tired. Too much work. If the word guroo becomes perfect with you, you can stop a moving truck. You can stop the movements of the entire universe into shuniya—stillness. There is no power which is not with you. If you harness it, it is yours. If you waste it, you've lost it.

Part Three

Sit in Easy Pose. Chin in. Chest out. Spine straight. Interlace the fingers, and place the hands, palms flat, against the back of the head. Elbows are bent and extended straight out to the sides. (Don't let them droop—no angles.)

Eyes: Closed.

Mantra: Chant the following mantra out loud: SAT NAAM, SAT NAAM, SAT NAAM JI Use the tape of the same name.

Time: 11 minutes

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