Realizing the Holy Ghost (AUM) as Sound, Light and Love
…a very intricate, lengthy subject because all things come from the Holy Vibration, the Holy Ghost.
…In St. John we read, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God.. You think the Bible existed in the beginning before creation came? You see the chance for misconception? But the Word of God is not just the printed word in the Bible, it is the Holy Vibration from which all things have come. That Holy Vibration, the Holy Ghost, the Great Comforter of which Jesus spoke, that's what the Holy Ghost is. And the Bible, in the Bible when it speaks of the Word, it means the Holy Vibration from which all things have come…
And so the Word of God means the Holy Vibration, and many, many, many people have not the remotest idea of what that means. That's why Self-Realization means so much to me, and I know to most of you, because it gives us something tangible to work on to know these eternal truths, and to know God, not as an idea, but as an actual reality, something vital, vibrating with His Power which we can contact, feel, and merge in. Such is the Holy Ghost. That's the true meaning of the Holy Ghost. And it is not a symbol, it is a fact. God is.
...Then it says in Genesis, "The Spirit of God moved.. Therefore, God's Consciousness moves as Cosmic Energy. Therefore, you have those two things: Consciousness plus its Power. And what did that Power of God's Consciousness create, the Holy Ghost. "Holy" means God Consciousness, Ghost, unseen. The Holy Vibration is the unseen movement of God's Consciousness. That'll give you a better idea of what the Holy Ghost is. If you can contact that, you have the Presence of God with you. That's what people do not understand. It's something real and tangible. The Holy Ghost, from this moment on, make it that. Do not let it be a theological conception. Make it an actual reality within you, and you can do it, because each one is made in the Image of God and that Holy Vibration, that Holy Ghost has made each one of us, and that Holy Vibration sustains us. Why? Because in that Holy Vibration is God's Great Intelligence, and above all His Love. Don't you see how important it is to realize the Holy Ghost as a fact, not just as a symbol? Not in the theological way, but in an actual way, realizing God's Presence within you.
And so, that's what God is: Consciousness plus His movement. The Spirit of God moved and that produced the Holy Vibration. And then God said, "Let there be light," and so the Holy Vibration is Light, Sound, Light, and Feeling of God. That's all it is. But it is, it's the reality within us. Remember that. All vibration has sound. So the first aspect of the Holy Vibration is sound, which we will talk just a minute about. Sound. The Holy Vibration is sound…
Now, this vibration is vibrating throughout all things because it has made all things. That the continuous hum of God's Great Cosmic Energy is an actual thing, a reality. But it cannot be perceived with outward ears, it can be perceived through your Soul's power, the intuition within you, and, therefore, it becomes a reality to those who hear the Cosmic Sound. Now you say, just hearing a vibration as my hand [Doctor claps his hands once], that doesn't give you anything. But in the Cosmic Sound is God's Intelligence. Realize that. His Love is in that Cosmic Sound. Then it becomes something different than a flat vibration. But that hum throughout the universe, or maybe because of His creation, that becomes an actual reality, solacing, sustaining power within you when you merge in it, after hearing it first, then merge in it.
So you see, the sound of the Holy Vibration is something different than just the sound of an ordinary vibration. Why? Because God's Power is in it, God's Love is in it, God's Intelligence is in it. Think of the Intelligence of God, which has made universe upon universe upon universe, there's no end to it, it seems. That Intelligence, is, will be your guide, if you'll allow it to be that, if you can merge in His Holy Presence. And so, that's what the Holy Vibration is, as the first aspect of sound. Realize that.
Now this is spoken of in the Bible, especially in Revelation, the 1st Chapter, the 10th Verse, and it says, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day and heard a great voice as of a trumpet. We'll just stop there because we're talking about the sound of the Holy Vibration. It is spoken of in the Bible in many ways, as a trumpet sound, the voice of many waters, the great sound, the Amen . and we come to that later. This refers to the actual Holy Ghost, vibrating within each and every one of us. And all true devotees, who will honestly search to find God, and follow one who knew God, as our beloved guru, follow his techniques, will perceive this Cosmic Sound. Perceiving it, hearing it with the intuition of the soul, they will feel the Presence of God with them, even just the sound aspect of the Holy Ghost. So much for that first aspect: the sound of many waters; the great trumpet sound; spoken of in many ways, and spoken of universally in all religions.
Now the Light manifestation. The Light manifestation of the Cosmic Vibration is another aspect of vibration, because God said when His Consciousness vibrated and moved, He said, "Let there be light. Light is the underlying noumena of all creation, and if you have read science of late, you know that matter resolves into energy, and finally into light…And the electron microscope shows that matter, even the metals, are vibrating light, and so that underlying vibration of light is an aspect of the Holy Vibration, because in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God, all things have come from that. And, therefore, Light is the underlying matrix, another aspect, of the Holy Vibration.
Now the third, and, perhaps, the greatest aspect of the Great Word, the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, is the Feeling aspect in it, the Love of God. God is Love. Realize that. Because what good would anything be unless you could feel it? …It wouldn't give us what it does give when you merge in it and feel His Great Love and His Feeling, that is, His regard for you. No wonder Jesus said, "When I'm gone I will send you the Comforter. Why the Comforter? The Holy Ghost is the Comforter, because it has God's Feeling in it, His Love for you…behind the vibration of this worldly existence is God's Love, and when all attain it in time. But why wait? Why not attain it now?
And so this Feeling aspect of God, the Great Love of His Presence, His Intelligence, to me, is the greatest part of the Holy Ghost, or the greatest aspect, because even though you have heard the Cosmic Sound, even though you see the Light, until God's Love comes, it is not the fullness of the Holy Ghost. Understand that. As Master said in some of his Metaphysical Meditations, "The body melts into the Cosmic Sound, body and universe melt into the Cosmic Sound, Cosmic Sound becomes the All-Pervading Light, and the Light loses its grossness in the Sea of Bliss.
So you can see that the aspect of the Holy Ghost which we must have is God's Love, and that takes care of everything. There's nothing can stand before God's Love. And so the humble devotee, who is making, who is pressing on, to feel his oneness with God, is utilizing the Greatest Force in the Universe, and by that effort he does the greatest good for this universe and for all people, because he is uniting himself with God, and God can flow through him. God's Love is the motivating force in this universe. And a humble devotee, not uttering a word, sitting silent in meditation, feeling, pressing on for the Presence of God, liberates tremendous power in the world. That's why the saints are the greatest benefactors for humanity, because God's Love flows through them. Realize that. Don't try to do so much yourself. I made that mistake. Don't try to do so much yourself. Let God do it. But you have to allow Him to do it by fully surrendering to Him, then His Love can flow through you.
And so you see, this Holy Ghost now becomes not just a vibration with its Sound, with its Light, but the Intelligence of God is in it, His Love is in it, that makes it something very, very desirable for each and every one of His children. The Holy Ghost is not symbol, it's a fact. It is a symbol of God's Consciousness, of course, but it's a fact that it can be realized, and that God is, the Comforter is with us…
Let us realize this one thing. And, if from this morning on we can make up our minds to feel the Presence of God, no matter how feebly it is, and stick to it, God will not deny us. Such is the Power of the Holy Ghost within each and every one of us...