Monday, December 24, 2012

How to Flush the Liver Wake Up World

How to Flush the Liver Wake Up World

To understand liver cleansing, it’s necessary to understand the function of the liver is to process toxins. If a liver running at 60% efficiency is leaving 40% of toxins unprocessed to accumulate in and float around, what effect do you think that has on your body?

To Detoxify Your Liver, Stop Giving It Toxins
I cannot stress this enough, if your diet includes processed foods and refined sugars, you need to change your diet and remove those unhealthy items. Those foods contain chemicals that can quickly overload the liver with so many toxins it’s almost like you’re waging chemical warfare upon your body’s innards. I remember a few years ago I saw an experiment in which french fries from well known fast food chains were left uncovered, outside to degrade on their own. Weeks, and even months, later their appearance hadn’t changed much. What does that say about what’s required of your body to process and break down that stuff? Your body and a car have at least one thing in common, pouring sugar in the gas tank will make them run miserably. Simply eliminating toxic foods from your diet will give your liver immediate relief and benefit. Replace toxic foods with fresh, organic fruits and vegetables to further the process of gainful turnaround. A grapefruit for breakfast, a leafy green salad consisting at lunch, and lean chicken seasoned with broccoli for dinner will help flush the liver naturally.

Herbs Can Stimulate Liver Detoxification
There are a variety of herbs that can support liver detoxification efforts as well. Organic chicory root, organic dandelion root, organic peppermint leaf, and organic turmeric are just a few examples. These, and other herbal remedies, have been used by herbalists and indigenous cultures for centuries as therapies to assist in the removal of accumulated toxins from the liver and stimulate the production of bile, a vital component to digestion and health.

Herbal remedies don’t directly detoxify the liver. Metaphorically, chicory root is not like “draino for your liver.” Instead, what herbs and nutrients do is stimulate the body’s natural liver functions that make it cleanse itself. Most people forget that when the body is given everything it needs, it’s very capable of taking care of itself. When nutrient deficiencies occur, that’s when body process deficiencies occur. Ceasing to intake toxic pollutants in the form of processed foods, refined sugars, and alcohol over-indulgence is the first step to liver cleansing, kicking your body’s natural cleansing abilities into gear is the second.

Organic Food, Organic Supplements
Many of these herbs are readily available in health food stores at affordable prices. Others, however, are not so easy to obtain in natural, organic form, and can be expensive if you attempt to purchase each one individually. Remember, I highly recommend you only and always invest in pure, high quality herbs and extractions. If a supplement company isn’t willing to disclose the conditions in which its product was grown and processed, there’s a chance they’re trying to hide it. Sure, you might be able to buy discount peppermint extract. But, if the plant wasn’t grown naturally and organically, do you think it’s going to provide many of its natural benefits? Don’t take a step forward by altering your diet to include healthy foods and then two steps back by neutralizing their benefit with cheap, low quality supplements.BK

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