Saturday, December 22, 2012


The attempt to express oneself authentically means there are no hidden agendas behind how or why you are sharing yourself. You have nothing to hide, nothing to achieve, nothing to lose, and you know there's nobody to win anything. You simply cannot and do not want to hold back your most liberated enlightened self any further. You are devoted to revealing the naked essence of who you are. You are devoted to freedom more than you are to security. When all of this happens, look out... you'll soon discover that all your fears and insecurities are quickly fading away.

There is a huge enlightening aspect to being authentic that most people haven't seen or don't consider. When you are truly being authentic, meaning expressing your emotions, feelings, and beliefs from a truly authentic place, a shift happens in your consciousness where nothing tends to phase you anymore. You aren't concerned with the opinions of others, or how you need to be to receive the world's approval. You are truly free from it all. You are that deeply liberated soul who is alive behind the scenes enjoying the exotic play of diversity and expression. Your mouth may be moving, hands flying about in the air, telling the most wonderful story about your life, yet you are not inhibited by it, controlling it or trying to make it into a show.. it just is, you are, a wild river!

No part of you is analyzing, concerned or worried about the expression of information coming through you. You are like a wild river which has broken through its dam and is now flooding over its protective banks. There is no more room for being rational, reasonable or remaining within the small confines of your normal social boundaries. You are in a state of pure unbounded freedom. There is so much creativity and love pouring through you that you have to sit back, take your foot off the brakes, step fully on the gas, and ride this one all the way through.

In the most raw form of true authenticity, you are always ok with letting all your cards be seen on the table. You don't shuffle your cards around depending on who is sitting at the table with you. Your cards are the same."

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