Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vipareeta Karani Mudra

Vipareeta Karani Mudra (kriya 1)

This is the first of the twenty Kundalini Kriyas of Kriya Yoga.

This kriya is performed from Vipareeta Karani Asana, so assume that posture to begin. Once in this posture, begin Ujjayi Pranayama then close your eyes. When ready to begin the rounds, exhale completely and focus on Manipura in the spine. As you inhale with ujjayi move your concentration along your spine to Vishuddhi, while imagining a hot stream of nectar flowing from Manipura through Anahata to Vishuddhi. Retain the breath and concentration at Vishuddhi for 3 to 4 seconds, while imagining the hot pool of nectar there becoming cool. As you exhale with ujjayi, move your concentration up your spine to Ajna, then over to Bindu and finally up to Sahasrara. In this case imagine your breath is pushing the nectar along this path and injecting it into these points. After exhalation is complete, immediately return your concentration back to Manipura to begin the next round. Complete eleven rounds, then go to the next kriya.

 it is explained how the usual flow of nectar from Bindu to Manipura results in the aging process. From the description, you can see that this kriya is attempting to reverse that process.

A video describing and demonstrating this kriya is presented below.

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