The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are powerful tools of awakening. When studied and practiced, they allow you to create the life experience you desire. Whether you're healing a physical condition or looking for that perfect relationship, the Ten Principles can show you the way. These deceptively simple principles can help you run a business, find a new home, awaken your psychic abilities, or dramatically change your financial situation.
The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are evolutionary. There is no end to the gifts they offer. No matter what level of success you attain, the Principles are always there, waiting to take you to another level. They are eternal tools of wisdom and guidance. How do they work? Essentially, each Principle is a key to unlocking higher levels of conscious awareness and tapping into your own powers of creation.The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are a way of life. Here they are in their simplicity:
Sleepstate Programming
The Three Keys
One - Truth Truth is the essence of Love from which all reality extends and the basis of your light on earth. Truth is the integrity of thought, word and deed that creates the freedom to be who you truly are. Truth is the foundation of the other nine Principles.
Two - Trust Trust is an inner knowing which comes from the Truth that you are part of the Creator and connected to all levels of reality, the understanding that everything in your life unfolds in perfection.
Three - Passion Passion is the core energy by which you feel the presence of your own Creator Light. Passion is the realization that you are a limitless being of light. It is the force that allows your life journey to continually evolve.
The Three Commitments
The Three Commitments
Four - ClarityIn its simplest form, Clarity is the acknowledgment that your physical self is part of a greater, non-physical power. Clarity is the knowing of your own truth, which guides you to consciously create your life.
Five - Communication Communication is the exchange of energies and information (including words) between humans, between your physical self and the essential or higher self, and between you and the unseen forces of light.
Six - Completion Completion is the knowing that the conclusion of an experience, a process or a journey exists on multiple levels of understanding. Each completion opens to the beginning of a new experience, process or journey.
The Four Pillars Seven - Prayer Prayer is a communication between your human self and the unseen forces of light, which can include your own higher self, the Creator, angels, guides, etc. Prayer need not be a religious act; it is an opportunity for you to define your thoughts, feelings and desires in your daily life's journey. , "Prayer is the asking meditation is where you hear the answers to your prayers.
Eight - Meditation The practice of quieting your mind such that you are able to consciously receive information, wisdom, and guidance from non-physical sources. In MY words, "Prayer is the asking; meditation is where you hear the answers to your prayers.
Nine - Sleepstate Programming Sleepstate Programming is the practice of enlisting your higher self, or essential light, to contact and communicate with the higher self of another during sleep state.
Ten - Masterminding Masterminding is the act of creating a collective consciousness focused on manifesting a particular experience or outcome. This collective consciousness can be comprised of physical humans, human higher selves, angels, guides, and other unseen forces of light.
A Brief History
The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are tenets of ancient wisdom which were nearly lost in the burning of the Alexandrian Libraries several thousand years ago, when between 400,000 and 700,000 books and scrolls perished. some 200,000 volumes survived the fires. Of these surviving scrolls, a select few were retrieved by the Guidance Realm to be re-introduced at a point in the evolution of the planet when they would be best understood and utilized by humanity. The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating were recorded in one such document, and pre-date the Libraries at Alexandria. These Principles were practiced by enlightened ancient societies, such as Lemuria, some 50,000 years ago.
Why are these Principles being reintroduced at this time in humanity's history?
The Ten Principles are here because we are experiencing a Great Shift in Consciousness. They are here because We the People are raising our global consciousness to a critical mass, where the entire Earth plane and her inhabitants will undergo a fundamental shift in dimensional awareness. They are here because we are at a period in human evolution where we can create consciously everything that we desire in our lives., "Everything starts as the Creator, and everything ends as the Creator." With the Ten Principles we recognize that we are not separate from the Creator. We are the Creator.
A Brief History
The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are tenets of ancient wisdom which were nearly lost in the burning of the Alexandrian Libraries several thousand years ago, when between 400,000 and 700,000 books and scrolls perished. some 200,000 volumes survived the fires. Of these surviving scrolls, a select few were retrieved by the Guidance Realm to be re-introduced at a point in the evolution of the planet when they would be best understood and utilized by humanity. The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating were recorded in one such document, and pre-date the Libraries at Alexandria. These Principles were practiced by enlightened ancient societies, such as Lemuria, some 50,000 years ago.
Why are these Principles being reintroduced at this time in humanity's history?
The Ten Principles are here because we are experiencing a Great Shift in Consciousness. They are here because We the People are raising our global consciousness to a critical mass, where the entire Earth plane and her inhabitants will undergo a fundamental shift in dimensional awareness. They are here because we are at a period in human evolution where we can create consciously everything that we desire in our lives., "Everything starts as the Creator, and everything ends as the Creator." With the Ten Principles we recognize that we are not separate from the Creator. We are the Creator.
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