Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Greater Sex, Love & Intimacy through ComPASSIONate Connections in Las Vegas,

Join us for Greater Sex, Love & Intimacy through ComPASSIONate Connections in Las Vegas, on Wed. Night, Nov. 7th
Dear Bud,
Namaste. I am coming through Las Vegas for one night only, and am collaborating with a dynamic & talented woman named Ileana. We want to invite you to a special evening of GREATER SEX, LOVE & INTIMACY for Singles and Couples through COMPASSIONATE CONNECTIONS including a WHITE TANTRA PUJA 

Date: Wednesday, November 7th

Time Schedule: 7pm-8pm Meet , Greet and Socialize . 8pm-10:30pm Experiential Workshop - GREATER SEX, LOVE & INTIMACY for Singles and Couples through COMPASSIONATE CONNECTIONS including WHITE TANTRA PUJA

Love Donation: $10-25 Sliding Scale
Location: Private Residence to be disclosed upon RSVP

Please RSVP on Facebook, or Email at Fibonicity@Yahoo.com , or TheHealingCenterofLasVegas@Gmail.com OR call702-771-5173
In Love, Light and Oneness
Joseph Michael
The Healing Center of Las Vegas

Scott was first introduced to Compassionate Communication (aka: Nonviolent Communication or NVC) in 2000. Scott was hired by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of NVC, to direct & produce a series of videos about this dynamic work. Over a 7 year period, Scott produced several dvds and traveled with Marshall, and a Master Teacher named Robert Gonzales (the President of the Board of CNVC, the International organization). During this time, Scott studied NVC and started teaching classes in 2003. Scott was so impressed with the transformational power of these tools that he shifted from his profession (of 25 years) of writing & directing to being a full time Life Coach & Teacher.

Since 2007, Scott has facilitated over 500 classes, events & workshops and has personally coached over 250 individuals, couples, families and small businesses throughout the U.S., Europe & Asia. Scott always adapts his events to the specific needs and interests of those in attendance. Whether in a home for a handful of friends or speaking to an entire congregation of a church, Scott's presentations are always entertaining, inspiring and informative.

ILEANA STEFANESCU Ileana Stefanescu is an internationally certified Yoga and Tantra teacher, and a Holistic Health Counselor. She has an MS degree in Electronics, being interested in combining modern science with ancient spiritual knowledge. Ileana has taught yoga and Tantra for over 20 years, both in US and Europe. Her students range from Ph.D.'s and high level executives to students, couples, single moms and even yoga instructors. She teaches Yoga and Tantra groups who share an authentic interest in learning about sacred sexuality as a tool for spiritual development. Everyone above the age of 18 is welcome regardless of health or physical condition. Ileana teaches the US Yoga Academy system, a branch of a European academy of spiritual sciences having tens of thousands of students all over the world.

"We called Scott to facilitate our separation after 13 years. Within 90 minutes, we had reconnected beyond what we thought was possible. Scott & his tools accomplished more in one session than a year of marriage therapy. We have a new & mutually rewarding relationship now". JB, Kentucky

"Dear Scott. You are such an amazing, inspiring person. Keep spreading peace and joy and love to the many relationships you work your magic with. Thank you for your sage words and deep compassion. You are greatly loved by our family and community." MD, San Diego

"Scott, Words don't seem to convey the absolute gratitude I feel for having you in my life. Your brilliance today was miraculous - you have such an incredible gift! You have most likely, in one session, saved me from years and years of torment. Your compassion has set the tone for the following weeks and months ahead. I know this is only the first step, and there is much work for me in the future. But I am convinced now, more than ever, that this process is the win/win/win I was trying to picture for my family. I am indebted to your service, and I couldn't possibly come close to thanking you enough." Robyn Mason, Novato, CA

"Scott has been INSTRUMENTAL in my journey towards cultivating a relationship that matches ME. As a trained coach with NVC training myself, I admire his high level of skill, persistence, and clarity when in sessions. Scott has a way of bringing conversations back around to their essence and kept us on track when we really needed it, while also allowing space for processing to occur. He has boldly given me feedback and direction which was completely unpalatable at the time, and which fully supported me in having a great life now. Scott has always held a firm respect for both me and my partner while also helping me to see more plainly my part in the matter(s). My work with Scott has been invaluable, has helped me let go when I needed to, and to remember that we are all just doing our best and that we all have precious needs which we are so intent to meet. I highly recommend Scott as a coach!" KP, Sebastapol, CA

"Scott is a masterful guide in the intimate realms of the heart. I HIGHLY recommend his coaching, classes or workshops for any couples who have experienced a loss of love in relationship. You can find the flame again and Scott will help you rediscover, rekindle or help you to keep it burning bright!" NM, Marin, CA

"We are very honored to host Scott again for this exciting new workshop. I have found his insight and easy-to-integrate tools and practices absolutely invaluable in improving not just how we speak, but how we see the world. I can't recommend this work enough. It is truly life-changing." A&H, Santa Cruz, CA

"Scott, everybody can benefit from your dynamic tools for joyful relationships. Congratulations with this meaningful work! May these tools be passed onto the children. "Joy-full relationships make better marriages, make healthier families, healthier children, healthier society. Thank you for your sacred mission. Let me know when you are coming back to LA." AG, Los Angeles, CA

"Dear Scott, I cannot tell you the amount of influence you have had on my life since our first meeting, it's pretty amazing. I just had the pleasure of helping a friend through a challenging situation worksheet and I was able to log on to your website and forward the worksheets along with our answers to their email after we went through the steps. It gave me chills and I'm sure your experiences are much more intense than this, but I am grateful for the resources you have provided us." CP, Lexington, KY


OM, Des Moines, IA - Holistic Health and Nutritional Counselor
I participated for two years in the Yoga Teacher Training coordinated by Ileana in Las Vegas. The Tantric aspects I learned during these courses helped me to amplify my femininity and personal charisma, so much that my old friends can barely recognize me nowadays. Also, the harmony and happiness in my family life increased tremendously.

KM, Las Vegas, NV - Business Owner
Ileana teaches tantra and yoga in the traditional sense, as a spiritual practice. The depth of the information and techniques are boundless, as is her knowledge of the subject matter. She has changed my view of life and what is important. She is kind and giving. In a world that thrives on stress and negativity she has given me many answers which I have been looking for my entire life.

EJ, Denmark - Medical Doctor, Yoga Teacher
I am very grateful to have met Ileana at a Tantra Yoga Workshop she organized in Portland, Maine in 2005. She manifests a rare gentleness and her powerful teachings inspire never-ending enthusiasm, courage and a genuine thirst for truth and self-improvement. She encouraged me to start teaching yoga and tantra, and to further my career as a medical doctor by exploring ancient therapy systems. Her presence feels like a magic fountain of beauty, purity and knowledge.
these are all tantra related

Suggested donation is $10 - $25, nobody turned away

For more info, call 707-295-7406

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