Thursday, November 1, 2012



How do you restore cellular health? The holistic approach to cellular health is to first realize that the doctor is the body itself. Each cell is geared to self heal. The doctor is within, not without. After all, this body built itself from one tiny cell and managed quite well without an "external doctor" for decades, defending itself from millions of viral attacks, free radical damage, and constant pollution from food and the air. Holistic health is gained at the cellular level. This view is supportive of "the doctor within," rather then employing an interviewer  I call this approach "winning the war, not just the battle."

Let me describe how to regain cellular health in five points:

First, do no harm: Begin by limiting the causes of cellular toxicity and burden. These include abuse of food, protein and sugar, dead, toxic and depleted food and beverages, and pollutants and toxins of all kinds including mental and emotional negativity. All substances including food, light, and even people, carry energy that can raise or lower your own energy level. Choose wisely; ask yourself before you eat or drink "Is this conducive to health or disease?"

Nourish your cells: Eat a high energy diet of fresh organic colorful fruits and vegetables with little meat and fish. Look for the “energy” in foods which we derive from natural minerals, trace elements, carbohydrates and chlorophyll contained in fresh and organic fruits and vegetables.
Increase cellular efficiency: Beyond avoiding harm and eating good foods, other factors are critical to health. Cellular oxygenation and detoxification can be vastly increased and achieved with movement and aeration. Let me suggest a few means to achieve movement and aeration: 

a. Fasting is as important as eating. I call it "getting out of the way." Fasting has been used as an element of health since the beginning of time. When a cat is sick, it stops eating until it gets better. During the fasting phase of the night, our liver is given a chance to perform a myriad of biochemical processes. Give yourself a chance by introducing safe and short fasts in your life daily, weekly, monthly and annually.
b. We humans must exercise in order for our cell to not rust. The value of exercise has been proven. Enough has been said, so just do it. Move your body, arouse your lymphatic systems and increase your pulse and your temperature moderately. This kills viruses, removes toxins, and balances fats in each cell of your body. Shake every cell in your body with daily exercise like walking, running, qi-gong, yoga, etc.
c. In natural medicine, we say that 50% of toxicity is caused by our emotions and our state of mind. Maintain your spiritual and emotional balance with exercises, yoga, qi-gong, tai chi, prayer, etc.

Reprogram the governing organs: With degenerative and chronic conditions, the dietary and lifestyle changes recommended above may not be sufficient to reprogram the governing organs of the brain. To regain the health of your brain organs, you must do more daily. I propose a diet rich in nutrients that are known to be deficient in the brain as well as foods rich in minerals and trace elements, green, blue and red pigments and carotenoids, chlorophylls, fatty acids omega 3, 6, 9, and gamma and alpha lipoic acids, which are "the good fats that heal." You should also exercise more and engage in energy balancing activities.

Introduce Bio-Algae Concentrates  into your life: At this point, I suggest a shortcut to brain health. As an additional aid in restoring cellular health and as a magnificent brain food,  It is an extremely efficient food and the best food complement on earth because it is a blend of microalgae with extraordinary nutritional values.

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