Grow fresh produce right in the comfort of your own home - beans, basil, thyme, baby greens, oregano, mint, parsley, spinach and so many other delicious foods!

A Beautifully Simple & Closed-Loop Ecosystem Right on Your Table

So What's Happening Inside?
So what's happening? The fish, they poo and they pee, and all that waste-water gets broken down by beneficial bacteria into nutrients
The waste-water from the fish is then pumped up & upcycled as an awesome organic fertilizer for the plants. The plants take up the nutrients and, at the same time, clean the water which then falls back down for the fish.
There is no soil - the plants are growing just on rocks - all the nutrients coming from the fish (no need for any artificial fertilizers - it's all organic!!)
There is no need to clean the water because of the plants - it's a self-cleaning fish tank!
What Can I Grow?
Choose from a variety of fresh produce, including spinach, baby greens, oregano, beans, basil, mint, parsley & thyme.
All You Have to Do is Feed Your Fish
You can pick from a ton of different types of fish that will work great in the system - including our favorite, the Betta fish we have pictured in our system!
The tank & garden top - food and pet safe!
Air pump to bring your nutrients up and oxygenate the water
5 Pods with pebbles (from which the plants will grow)
Organic seeds (mixture of various herbs)
Fish food and water conditioners to get started right away
Just add water & fish and watch your system take off! Our goal was to make this incredibly intuitive and easy to setup!

1) How many fish can I keep? The industry standard is 1" of fish for 1 gallon of water. This is a 3 gallon tank, so you can have 1 larger 3" fish, or a few smaller 1" fish. If you'd like to host other types of fish, the system will allow it, but you should transfer them out to a larger tank when they grow in size.
2) What kind of fish can I put in my tank? Many types will work well, but we highly recommend some ornamental fish like Bettas, cloud fish, danios, or small goldfish. These are some of the easiest fish to keep, but depending on your expertise, feel free to try others!
3) How big is the unit? It's roughly 10" wide, by 11" high, by 6" deep - smaller than your average toaster oven! The tank itself holds 3 gallons of water. When empty, it's super-light, just a few pounds!
4) What is it made out of? We are finalizing the exact materials, but are exploring various combinations of recycled plastics, acrylic, and glass.
5) Can I grow flowers in my system? Absolutely!!
6) How many different types of plants can I grow? There are 5 "net pods" to plant in, and you pick and choose what combo of plants to grow in them as you please! Five of the same, or one of each. You can get creative!
7) Does it need sunlight - I thought fish don't like sun? We recommend putting the tank right next to your window, with the back up against a wall. That way there's no direct light coming into your tank, but at the same time, enough ambient sunlight to help the plants grow. If you'd like to place the kit right against a window, we suggest just placing a backer against the back clear panel to prevent direct sunlight from hitting the tank (which can cause algae growth!)
8) Can I grow year-round? Yes! If it's too cold though for the fish you choose or you don't have proper light in the winter, we suggest investing in some inexpensive water-heaters and grow-lights to guarantee consistent growth! We'll have this all available on our website when we ship the product.
9) Can I use my own seeds? Absolutely! We don't believe in the pricey subscription model when it comes to food! You don't need to buy any special replacement pre-seeded pods from us - use your own seeds!
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