Sunday, November 11, 2012

A story or a cure? For Patients of Dialysis

A story or a cure? For Patients of Dialysis

Written by Kyle J. Norton translated by Chi N.

The below amazing reports were televised in China medicine series on CCTV4, according to Chi N. Since the formulas have not been studied, please ensure that you talk to your TCM PRACTITIONER before applying.
Please note that most hospitals in China include 2 departments
a. Department of Western medicine and
b. Department of traditional Chinese medicine
In most cases, Patients with diseases which can not be treated in Western medicine are transferred to TCM department for further analysis. Although out of many patients are transferred to the TCM department every year, only some are treated successfully.
1. Can Diagnosis of kidney failure be cured?
A patient was diagnosed with kidney failure and suggested to report for dialysis in Western medicine
department in a hospital in China. For what ever reason and we don't know how he got the formula. His disease was cured within one week after taking the formula. The scheduled dialysis was cancelled as the final urinary test proven to be unnecessary.
Here is the formula
1. Wash rice water 5 bowls
2. 2 pig kidneys with all muscles removed
3. 7 lichee seeds (Semen Litchi) (Smash them to small pieces and put into a cloth bag)
Boil them together with high heat until boiling then turn the heat to minimum until you get 75% of the volume. The patient said that his disease was cured after drinking the soup 3 times a day for 7 days.

Update Nov. 2 -2012
There is a study indicated that Semen Litchi could reduce the levels of TNF-alpha, hyper-leptinemia and hyperinsulinemia, antagonize insulin resistance, fortify insulin sensitivity, readjust lipodystrophy and maladjustment of glycometabolism, enhance antioxidation,and improve functions of liver and kidney in T2DR-IR(2). May be that would hold the clue for curing patient of dialysis. 

Update Oct 30- 2012
We have found the similar "secret formula" posted under the article "A dialysis patient's story". The writer wrote "The following paper is a popular PPS circulated by e-mails and has numerous postings on the Internet. The efficacy is hard to confirm. As the author said, "Instead of standing still, it is better trying something that might give a dead horse a glimpse of hope." Because the ingredients in the recipe don't seem to be harmful, this article is translated and posted for consideration as an alternative to cure the disease." and here is the formula
7 fresh lychee seeds, break into small pieces, wrap with gauze in a container, add two bowls of rice washing water, put container inside an electric cooker to steam for about half an hour, soup is ready to drink, should be effective for the disease}

2. No more dialysis
There is a report of a 33 years old lady who was required dialysis as a result of kidney failure. After six weeks, her family were out of money to proceed any further treatment and she had to turn to TCM in expecting the worse.
Here is the formula which cured her disease in 6 weeks
(Patient with cool constitution should consult with TCM practitioner before applying)
a. Dong Qua (Winter Mellon) 1kg
b. 1 Si qua (Sponge of Luffa)
Remove the seeds and skins, then cut them to smaller pieces and boil with 6 cups of water in medium heat until the quas soften

b. Clean Shan Yao (Dioscorea 10g), Gou qi zi (wolfberry fruit 10g), Tu Fu Ling (Smilax 10g) and put them into a cloth bag then into the soup together with Shu Di Huang (cooked rehmannia 10g)
Turn to low heat until you get 75% of the volume.
The lady claims that her kidneys were tested fine after drinking the soup of the formula 3 times a day for six weeks.

Please note
1. Dong qua, Si qua can be bought in any Chinese grocery store
2. Shan yao, Gou Qi Zi, Lichee seed and Shu dihuang can be bought in any Chinese herbal store
3. Please read all herbs in the link provided
4. These are only one individual case, make sure you understand the risk involved.
5. Please consult with your TCM practitioner before applying

7. If you try the formula after one week, it is the nest time to have the doctor to test your blood for GFR or albumin in your urine to see how your kidney function before scheduled dialysis.

8. If the formula works for you, please tell others with the same disease


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