Sunday, October 7, 2012

Oneness Blessing,,, Deeksha,'Diksha', or Baptism

Oneness Blessing,,, Deeksha

'Diksha', or Baptism as we know it in the West, is a hands-on transference of Divine energy that brings about a state of oneness, or enlightenment. In the past, only a very few have been blessed with this state. Now, for the first time in human history, enlightenment is being made available to everyone through the grace
It has often been said that if you take one step towards God, then God will take a hundred steps towards you. We have so many ways to take a step towards the divine: prayer, meditation, chanting — in fact every kind of spiritual practice in every tradition. The Oneness Blessing is one way that the divine can reach out to mankind; it is a gift, a benediction of grace.
Only the one, who is a disciple in the true sense of the word, can be the recipient of such deeksha. Now the question is – what should a disciple be like, who is a disciple? One who has no pride, no anger, no attachments, no mental confusion or duality and no hunger to become something more – only such a one can be called a disciple and only he is eligible for deeksha.

The Oneness Blessing results in a growth in consciousness. It is the phenomenon behind the work of Oneness. It is an act of energy transfer by touch or by the power of intent.

The Oneness Blessing is a non-denominational experience that transfers physical energy, awakening our connection with the oneness in everything, allowing each of us to deepen our relationship with those we love, with ourselves, with strangers and with our creator.

The Oneness Blessing initiates a neurobiological change in the brain. There are 16 centers in the brain responsible for definitive experiences like sensory perception, emotions of jealousy, hatred, fear, compassion, love, joy, separation, connectedness, creativity, learning, etc. The Oneness Blessing results in the activation of certain centers and the de-activation of certain other centers thus bringing about a shift in the perception and experience of life.

The Oneness Blessing is also found to help in the healing of the body and in the discharge of repetitive emotional patterns, resulting in greater ease and comfort with oneself.

In relationships it enables a greater sensitivity and connectedness with the other, freeing you from the limitations of your judgments and conditionings.

Success and prosperity begins with consciousness – a capacity to expand your horizon of thinking and an understanding of the universe around you, the principles governing you.

How is the Oneness Blessing given?
The Oneness Blessing is generally given when a Blessing giver places their hands on the recipient’s head for several seconds to a few minutes. It can also be given without touching the person at all, just through the power of intention. In this way the Oneness Blessing can be given to hundreds or even thousands of people at the same time.
Who can offer the Oneness Blessing to others?

Our planet, and all of humanity, is currently undergoing a major evolutionary transformation. This is impacting our environment, our social structures, and our individual and collective consciousness. T
Awakens Intelligence
Enhances memory retention
Increases ability to learn
Takes you into alpha
Creates better hemispheric synchronization
Brings love to relationships
Heals hurts
Increases listening
Helps experience the other
Awakens compassion
Instills affection
Infuses vitality
Heals the body by healing the mind
Improves metabolic activity
Relaxes the body
Helps build love and appreciation for the body
Invokes auspicious energies
Creates a prosperity consciousness
Removes blocks that hinder success
Makes possible a mental frame for abundance

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