Saturday, October 13, 2012

Natural Cures for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Give These Home Remedies a Shot

Natural Cures for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Give These Home Remedies a Shot

If you, or a loved one, has ever suffered from the pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, you will already know what the medical fraternity recommends:
(1) Apply cold compresses to the effected wrist;
(2) Take an anti-inflammatory pill; and
(3) Avoid using the wrist if at all possible!
The main problem is that it is often extremely hard to follow the medical advice as it can sometime mean that you cannot do the routine stuff of life – like driving, doing the housework, or operating certain machinery necessary to your job! Besides this some of the medications can cause you to feel like a zombie! The worst of all is that activities like typing and other repetitive activities (necessary to you day-to-day activities) become impossible due to carpal tunnel syndrome attacks – (by the way, if you ever want to learn more ways to cure your carpal tunnel problems,
Add certain foods and dietary enzyme supplements to your daily diet that contain bromelain. This can help obtain relief from carpal tunnel attacks and keep future attacks at bay for most sufferers. Bromelain helps reduce tissue swelling that often occurs in carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers. Foods such as pineapple, papaya and kiwi fruit contain bromelain and are easily included into the diet without any disruption to calorific intake or any other restrictive diets that you may be following.

Vitamin C intake – an increase is recommended as being one of the most promising aides in attempting to alleviate the pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Vitamin C is credited with a reduction in swelling and a rejuvenation of injured tissue health.
Massage: Arm, forearm, wrist and hand of the arm suffering from the carpal tunnel syndrome. This effectively helps to reduce pain and swelling. A herbal massage oil may provide even more promising results.
Yoga: May help to ease your symptoms caused by this painful syndrome as the circulation of blood is increased throughout your body, which effects healing in the carpal tunnel.
Soaking the afflicted wrist in a solution of hot water and Epsom salt for 3 minutes. Use water that is as hot as you can handle. After soaking in the hot water, soak the wrist in a cold water solution for a further half minute.

Numbness and tingling is often the first symptom that people begin to notice. This may center on one area or spread up the arm. To combat this, gentle stretches are recommended on a daily basis to keep the area healthy. Special tools may be used, such as exercise bands, to help with stretching the wrist and hand.
Stiffness in the joints on the affected side may occur after sleep. Adults may wake up feeling stiff and have sore joints. To help with this, a wrist guard or splint may be used during sleep. These will keep the area in proper position, preventing it from flexing in ways that can lead to stiffness.
Fatigue commonly occurs in arms affected by carpal tunnel. To prevent this, frequent breaks should be taken. during these breaks, stretches or other tasks should be completed. This provides more variety for muscles and prevents repetitive strain.
Swelling is another frequent symptom to carpal tunnel. It may occur at joints or throughout the arm. One of the best ways to cure this is to use ice to reduce inflammation. A physician may recommend a combination of medication and exercise to reduce the underlying cause. By keeping swelling down, the carpal tunnel can begin to heal. Combining this with exercises designed to strengthen the area can make a real difference for a long term cure.
Compression can occur on the median nerve due to excessive weight. For this reason, many who suffer from carpal tunnel are urged to shed excess weight. This can help alleviate the pressure places on nerves and joints. Weight loss may need to be monitored by a physician if there are other health concerns to prevent problems. For many, this can be the key to 5 carpal tunnel symptoms and how to cure them forever.

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