Monday, October 8, 2012

Importance of GURU

GU means darkness, RU means dispeller. One who dispels your darkness is the Guru. A Guru works in his presence and out of his presence. Guru is certain energy, a certain space, not a person. The relationship with Guru is neither physical, psychological nor emotional. It is beyond these limitations. So this is one possible relationship that you carry on beyond body and mind. An enduring relationship would be very essential for a person embarking on spiritual journey of evolving himself to his ultimate nature. Guru clearly expounds all things. 

Knowledge without analysis and conception, a well without spring, judgment without inquiry can be said as equal to the results achieved without a Guru. The Guru will be the one who has attained self knowledge (The knowledge of the self will yield knowledge of all things in the Universe)

When a spiritual aspirant needs growth in spiritual field, he needs a little push in his energy levels. Without that little push he cannot reach the peak. The Guru is like an energy installation full of spiritual magnetic energy the disciple is like a bulb, which draws and glows by that spiritual magnetic energy.
The Guru’s deep and richer experience is far superior to all the ways of improvement shown by any or all of the teachers. The Guru would be the one who could make the aspirant a Gnani. So a person, who desires to attain Gnanam, must learn, meditate, reflect and realise at the feet of a Guru.

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