Friday, October 12, 2012

Enlightenment Of Jesus

               Enlightenment Of Jesus

"Like most seekers, Jesus first searched for the Divine in the objective world. But He soon realized that the world is a kaleidoscopic picture created by one's own imagination, and sought to find God within himself. His stay in the Himalayan monasteries in Kashmir and in other centers of eastern asceticism and philosophical inquiry, gave him greater awareness. From the attitude of being a 'Messenger of God', he could now call himself the 'Son of God'. The bond of relationship increased. The 'I' was no more distant light or entity. The light became a part of the 'I'. With body-consciousness predominant. He was a messenger. With the heart-consciousness in the ascendant. He felt greater nearness and deamess. So, the son-father bond seems natural at this stage. Later as the Atman-Consciousness was established, Jesus could declare: 'I and My Father are One'. The three stages may be described as: 'I was in the Light', 'the Light was in me', and 'I am the Light', and may compared to the Dwaita (dualism), Vishishta-adwaita and Adwaita (non-dualism) stages as described in Hindu philosophy. The final stage is the one when all duality has been shed. This is the essence of all religious disciplines and teachings".

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