Monday, October 29, 2012

Could Being a Vegetarian Have Contributed to Michael Clarke Duncan’s Untimely Death?

Could Being a Vegetarian Have Contributed to Michael Clarke Duncan’s Untimely Death?
Michael Clarke Duncan died  (September 3, 2012) at the age of 54. He was best known for his breakout role as John Coffey in The Green Mile, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe. On July 13, 2012, Duncan was sent to the hospital after suffering from a heart attack and he finally succumbed to his heart condition today.

You may know Michael Clarke Duncan from the commercial he did for PETA (the animal rights and pro-vegan/vegetarian group) Mr. Clarke became a vegetarian in 2009 and claimed that his health improved by following a meat-free, “heart-healthy” diet.

So why am I suggesting that being a veggie eater could have contributed to his heart attack and death? Doesn't everybody know that vegetarianism and veganism is healthier than a diet that includes meat and other animal derived proteins and fats?

Consider this. If a man has low testosterone levels, his risk for heart attacks goes up astronomically. Well guess what ladies and gentlemen, a low saturated fat diet lowers testosterone levels (as well as lowering levels of HDL – the “good” cholesterol). Worse yet, diets that stress legumes (especially in the form of soy) raise estrogen levels and hence significantly lower testosterone levels as well.

So you see, the low saturated fat, high soy, vegetarian diet is a double whammy for testosterone levels, and can significantly increase your risk for having a heart attack.

Yet even worse, soy impairs your thyroid function, leading to fatigue, weight gain, elevated cholesterol and (you guessed it) cardiovascular disease.

Poor Michael Clarke Duncan, what a fabulous actor. He seemed like such a wonderful guy. What a shame that he died so young, especially because his death could have been avoided through proper edible choices. Unfortunately, Mr. Clarke and billions of others around the globe have fallen victim to what I would call “The Big Fat Lie” (BFL). The BFL, the notion that dietary saturated fat and cholesterol are the cause of heart disease and obesity and cancer and diabetes and every other chronic degenerative disease, is just that, a big fat lie. This lie that you are being fed was made up by the food companies over 50 years ago to sell margarine and vegetable oils.

If you think that being a vegan or vegetarian is going to protect you from heart disease (or any other disease for that matter) think again. Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that eating hormone laden, commercially raised, processed meat is good for you. However, naturally raised livestock and dairy in the form of meat, fish, poultry, eggs and cheese is perhaps the healthiest food you can consume.

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