Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Secret Power of Words

The Secret Power of Words

Pythagorean theory tells us that the Universe is founded on number and proportion. How, though, can abstract theories have a physical manifestation? How can number cause form? The answer appears to lie in the resonance that occurs between vibrating matter. The level of vibration is known as resonant frequency, also known as harmonics.
In music each note that is sounded is the result of an harmonic division of a fundamental. If the fundamental is noted as 1 then the division of it by 2 is noted as 1:2.or second harmonic. The 4th harmonic would be 1:4. and so on. As we all know, certain groupings of musical notes cause harmonies whilst others cause a discordant racket.
The professional Astrologer uses harmonic theory to read the planetary glyphs in the birth-chart, much as one reads musical notation. It is as if each of us possesses our own personal musical score which sings a unique tune. In essence, if my personal vibrational energy field or ‘score’ resonates harmoniously with yours then we will understand each other. If we are discordant, conflict will ensue.
An astrologer can therefore help us to understand in what areas of life we repeatedly sound a ‘duff’ note and learn with whom, what and where we can live in the most harmonious accord. Theoretically we can even change the music or energy. If a person consciously chooses to shift into resonance with a more coherent field, their life circumstances may change as a more harmonious pattern emerges.
The idea that the secrets of the Universe are contained in the music of the spheres is an ancient belief. Take a look at what Aristotle had to say about Pythagorean theory:
“... the whole universe is constructed according to a musical scale. The whole universe is a number, because it is both composed of numbers and organised numerically and musically. For the distances between the bodies revolving around the centre are mathematically proportionate; some move faster and some more slowly; the sound made by the slower bodies in their movement is lower in pitch, and that of the faster is higher; hence these separate notes, corresponding to the ratios of the distances, make the resultant sound concordant...”
This goes someway to explaining planetary influence but it doesn't really explain how number and music can create form - until that is we read about the work of Ernest Florens Friedrich Chladni of Saxony (1756-1827). Respectfully referred to as "the Father of Acoustics", Chladni produced a body of work known as Chladni patterns which showed how sound can affect matter. His work gained further notoriety in the 20th Century due to Dr Hans Jenny (1904-1972) who conducted similar experiments in resonance, known as Cymatics.
The basis of the experiments was to put substances such as sand, fluids, and powders on a metal plate. The plate was then played, in Chladni's case, with a violin bow or, in Dr Jenny's experiment, attached to an oscillator. This was controlled by a frequency generator capable of producing a broad range of vibrations. Turning a dial on the frequency generator would cause the plate to vibrate at different frequencies. The results, in both cases, were a series of discernible, repeatable patterns. The frequency used dictated the shape of the pattern, for example; the musical note A below middle C vibrates at 440 KHz and produces a shape that looks like a rhombus. Different notes could be observed to produce various shapes including flowers, diamonds and hexagons.
Dr. Jenny observed three fundamental principles at work in the vibratory field on the plate. He wrote, “Since the various aspects of these phenomena are due to vibration, we are confronted with a spectrum which reveals a patterned, figurative formation at one pole and kinetic-dynamic processes at the other, the whole being generated and sustained by its essential periodicity.
If we translate this into the language of astrology we can observe that the periodicity of the planets might well set up a figurative formation (birth-chart) that causes dynamic processes within the individual.These would be part of a larger vibrational matrix encompassing everything in heaven and earth.
Perhaps this indicates that the real way that we co-create our lives is through what we allow into our sphere of influence. Even if we were deaf/mute our body is capable of picking up oscillations transferred through sounds outside of our body. The science of Chladni patterns and Cymatics have shown, sound vibrations can organise matter into distinct shapes. This gives credence to the belief that there is a physical power inherent in the recitation of mantras, such as the word AUM or the playing of Mozart to babies still in the womb. It might also explain the power of prayer. Many people gathering in a place of worship, all repeating psalms or singing hymns, may set up a resonant vibrational frequency which has some organising effect on the very fabric of the Universe.
The study of Cymatics has generally been utilised in the healing fields. The belief being that if the practitioner can bring all the cells in the body into a more coherent vibrational pattern, dis-ease (disharmony) can be managed or cured. Certainly the results of the use of vibration in this fashion, whether it be through the use of homeopathy, music, acupuncture or colour, are worthy of much further study.
However, another fascinating use of Cymatics has been through the work of Edinburgh composer Stuart Mitchell and his father, Thomas. After a 20 year study they believe that the 213 decorated cubes which adorn the ornate ceiling of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, depict a Chladni pattern, each cube holding a code for a musical score.
Mitchell has translated the findings from each cube and turned it into a musical piece known as TheRosslyn Motet. He believes that if the piece is played in the correct way within the Chapel it will set up a resonant vibrational frequency which will unlock the secret held at Rosslyn. He feels that the power of sound might even cause certain stones to react, or move, due to the vibration. He says “The symbolism in Rosslyn is reaching back to times of a civilisation that is lost to us now. That (civilisation) had sciences that are the roots of all the mechanics of the universe”.
If the powers that be at Rosslyn ever permit Mitchell to carry out his experiment then we might discover the Holy Grail does still lie in the Chapel after all - perhaps not the secret of a bloodline, a la 'The Da Vinci Code', but the real secret of the Bible. A secret whose clue perhaps lies in the line – In the beginning was the word.
Is this what Pythagoras meant when he said that 'God geometrises'? Words, like music, are simply an arrangement of sound, which is in itself an arrangement of number in certain proportion. If we become mindful of the vibrations we allow around us we may discover an awesome truth -the power that words can have over our daily lives.

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