Emotional Balance Meditation
Raise the shoulders up tight against the earlobes. Pull the spine straight up from the back of the head which brings the jaw in and up. Close your eyes. The breath will automatically become slow.
Time: 3 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 11 minutes.
When upset, attention should be given to the body's water balance and breath rate. Rhythmically slowing down the breath to only 4 breaths per minute, drinking water, pulling the shoulders up to the ears, and tightly locking the entire upper area gives indirect control over the mind. After two or three minutes, thoughts will be there, but will not be felt.
Set for The Nervous System and Glandular Balance
Sit in Easy Pose with the arms extended straight out to the sides parallel to the ground. The palms are facing up. Begin to move only your Saturn finger (the middle finger) up and down rapidly. Using a powerful breath, inhale as you raise the finger and exhale as you lower it. Continue rhythmically, coordinating this movement with the breath for 7 minutes. This exercise stimulates the pituitary to create a balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
Sitting in Easy Pose, extend the arms straight out in front, parallel to the ground. Make fists of the hands with the thumbs tucked inside touching the fleshy mound below the little finger.
Keeping the arms and hands straight, bring the left arm up as the right arm goes down.
Continue alternately moving the arms up and down forcefully, coordinating the movement with forceful breathing for 8 minutes. This exercise works to balance the parathyroid gland and stimulates weight loss.
Butterfly Pose
Sit with the soles of the feet pressed together. Draw the feet into the groin, keeping the knees as close to the floor as possible. Interlace the fingers and place the hands in the lap. Inhale and raise the arms up over the head while simultaneously drawing the knees up towards the center of the body. Exhale and lower the knees and arms down to the original position.
Continue rhythmically coordinating the movement with powerful breathing for 8 minutes. This exercise balances the prana and apana, and sets the navel point.
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