Aquarius Horoscope 2014

Friends With Benefits
The Cardinal Grand Cross on April 23 falls in your mind-over-matter houses. You may have a crisis in faith and be trying to get the right balance between science and mysticism. The cross might cause you to veer from one side to the other rapidly. Another conflict could be the need to escape the whole dilemma with a holiday since there is a lot of volatility locally. Mars retrograde from March 1 might put the spanner in any travel plans though. Instead it would be good to travel in your mind, you may start a course of study that involves history, or one that may really change the course of your personal history. Out of all signs, you really should avoid initiating court proceedings while Mars is retrograde and especially around April 23, since the 9th house rules the legal profession. If you receive a summons however, (according to Lyn Koiner.) the other side will be the loser (Libra decan 2 watch out), so that’s good to know! Mars is retrograde until May 19.
The April 15 Lunar Eclipse also falls in your solar 9th which highlights studying, publishing, travel or legal matters for the next 3 months. If you were to initiate anything related to these matters I would do it between May 19 and July 15 while the good effects of this eclipse are not warped by a frustrated Mars. TheApril 29 Solar Eclipse falls in your solar 4th house so its time to put your domestic matters in order, there could be an upgrade here. If have neglected your home life in favour of the office you might feel the need to invest some of that hard earned cash into making your home more comfortable.
Persephone’s Magic Wand falls in your solar 5th house on July 1. It’s time you had some of the fun you have been putting off during your workaholic phase. The “Fun” should be a lighthearted affair since you are still seriously engaged in your work. This time you can validly use your well worn “I need space” line.. WithEris on the South Node there is a need for you to be totally autonomous right now anyway. The romance may be with someone who has been a friend for a long time, which is right up your Aquarian street. It also fits with your unconventional streak since this kooky love will not be subject to the usual relationship hang-ups. You both already know what NOT to do, having sat through years of each other moaning about your ex’s. Friends with benefits then?
Release The Kite
With Jupiter now direct in your 7th, it’s trine with Uranus on September 25 brings the possibility of creative collaborations that are inspiring and inventive. The partnerships could feel very fraternal, and you could join a local group of like-minded souls that assist you in your souls evolution. With the 7th house influence there is also the possibility of a romantic connection flowering out of these groups also. The Grand Fire Trine adds more fuel to the importance of making new friends within common interest groups since it falls in the 3rd (locals), 7th (partners) and the 11th (hopes & wishes). Again this will bring fresh new influences into your life and clear away the cobwebs of a stagnant relationship. If you have been feeling stuck in the past and over-burdened with Saturn’s tests then this fire trine will lighten your load and inspire you to move on.
Both Uranus and Jupiter in the grand fire trine are about freedom, which by now you are gagging for! TheOctober 8 Lunar Eclipse in your solar 3rd house falls right in the middle of this period. It will conjunct the Uranus part of the fire grand trine turning it into a highflying kite. This could be the day that Saturn’s chains are broken out of once and for all. Lunar eclipses are about release. As I said in the 2014 Forecast “ From October 11 – 14. The minor grand trine part of the Kite is activated by the Sun/North Node in Libra. Those with this plugging into their chart can expect creative gifts and inspiration, which will help align them with their true life-path.” This affects Aquarius decan 2 most of all, but all Aquarians should feel the uplifting effect. This puts you in good stead for the October 23 Solar Eclipse in your career house. As you are already flying high, your status could change for the better. You may gain a qualification now if you did use Mars retrograde for study. This eclipse is very artistic, so if work in the arts you could gain some recognition at this time. The latter part of the year is where you are rewarded for all your hard word and sensibility. It’s time to let your hair down as you begin to feel more like your old eccentric, liberated self once more.
Aquarius Horoscope 2014 ~ Best & Worst
Jupiter is in your 6th house from the beginning of the year until July 15 this raises your status within your daily work. Your day job should expand somehow, more clients, more hours, more pay! You are called to serve others and will be a busy bee all the while Jupiter is retrograde here until March 6. Your ruler going retrograde at the same time that Jupiter goes direct means this is very much a prudent, serious foundation building time. You will play it safe and do things traditionally and carefully. No pie in the sky schemes for you, just classic formulas that you know work. After July 16, Jupiter moves into you solar 7th house of marriage and partnerships. Any business collaborations made at this time are also both productive and inspiring. Now you can have some romantic fun after all that hard work. Sometimes Jupiter here can actually set you free from a stifling relationship, making you feel liberated and light once more. Best days for love: You are extra sexy and attractive with Venus in the 1st from Mar 5 – Apr 4. Enjoy out-of-the-blue, electric passion when Venus conjunct Uranus on May 15. Venus enters your 5th house of love affairs from Jun 23 – Jul 17. Venus is in your 7th house of marriage from Aug 12 – Sep 5. Venus conjunct Jupiter in the 7th on Aug 18 is the ultimate transit for romance blossoming followed by Venus conjunct Lilith on Aug 27 especially good for spicing up your marriage if it has lost its spark of late. Though this might also be the addition of a third person if you are one of those more modern Aquarians…You can shine brightly with Venus in your 10th house of status from Oct 23 and aren’t you the lucky one because Venus will also be conjunct the artistic solar eclipse. Maybe you fall madly in love with your agent, they become your muse and you elope to Paris. Grin and bear it days: Like your neighbour Capricorn, your traditional ruler Saturn is retrograde from Mar 4 – Jul 19, it’s not such a big deal as Saturn goes retrograde for months at a time and you are used to it. The only thing that might happen is you find it harder to stand your ground when your usual solid support starts to be have like a raving Jupiter. Saturn is not used to being rule free, so setting boundaries and saying “No” may be hard at this time. Apr 30 – May and Jul 1 – 3are particularly hairy. Mercury retardation annoyance: In reference to “Best days for Love” Re; Venus in the 10th. If you do make any exotic travel plans, make sure the cars brakes aren’t ancient and everything is in working order while Mercury is retrograde from Oct 4 –24. Just wait a few days after the eclipse and stay in that Venus Oct 23 love nest for one more day.
Aquarius Decan 1
Birthdays January 20 – 29 Ascendants 0º – 10º

July Onwards
Jupiter opposite your decan Jul 20 – Sep 9 If you have been asking for too much space in a relationship, and your lover has felt rejected, it has the chance of resurrection now. Jupiter turns direct in your solar 7th house of marriage. Wooo! Take a holiday and rekindle a flame that might have died out with the stress of Saturn’s boring square. The Mars square kicks arse from Jul 27 but Mars squares can be passionate too. If you don’t want a row over the Pina Coladas just make sure you do lots of tourist trekking to burn off the excess jalapenos and don’t forget the make-up sex. Mars square your decan Jul 27 – Aug 16 is either offset by the Jupiter opposition or it might inflame matters more. It all depends how good you are with anger management. Mars and Jupiter can be a winning team and steam role over any opposition. But you need to coat this approach with lashings of velvet glove. You could really rub people up the wrong way if you get too aggressive and arrogant. This is a good combination of you are usually a bit of a push over and you need to stand up to someone. Smooth talking Mars sextile your decan Sep 15 – Oct 1 should push forwards your hopes and dreams. You can also repair any damage from over-zealous bulldozing with the last square. The Solar Eclipse square your decan October 23 brings career challenges, but a reboot bring a fresh approach. You end the year with a sexy Mars conjunct your decan Dec 6 – Dec 20 invigorating your body in your 1st house. Now you can really take advantage of that 7th house Jupiter. It’s fantastic for sexual relationships most obviously, but with the Jupiter influence it is also great for business partnerships and anything that demands courage and bold actions.
Aquarius Decan 2
Birthdays January 30 – February 8 Ascendants 10º – 20º

July Onwards
Black Moon Lilith opposite your decan Jun 3 – Sep 10 this may be the taboo distraction that I mentioned in the general forecast. This she or he devil will attempt to seduce you away from your desk at every opportunity but unlike decan 1 you have no Mars retrograde holding you back so it might proove impossible to hold onto your pants. If you are married then beware of the temptations of the forbidden fruit. If not then an exciting new love interest who is exotic and not your usual type may sweep you off your feet. Mars square your decan from Aug 13 – Aug 31. This Mars square is precisely why married Aquarians must try and keep away from compromising situations. This occurs while the seductive Lilith transit is still active, so “don’t play with fire if you don’t want to get burnt”. Once it is over you can enjoy some positively tantric sex with Jupiter opposite your decan Sep 1 – Nov 8. This is a fabulous time to share warm, cosy times with a loved one and indulge yourself especially with the Lunar Eclipse sextile your decan Oct 8. Take a holiday and rekindle a flame that might have died out with all the stresses from Saturn’s square. If you are single then broadening your horizons and exciting new connections will set you onto a path in line with your souls evolution. Things are finally falling into place and doors of opportunity are opening for you. Synchronicities are happening with more frequency which helps you feel more connected to the universe especially with the North Node trine your decan Sep 3 – Dec 16. This beneficial transit is well timed as it occurs in tandem with Mars sextile your decan Sep 28 – Oct 14. You can be daring now! Ask and you shall receive. You feel strong and confident in yourself. Now you are finding solutions to problems that arose earlier in the year, when you had Saturn on your back. You can finally lean back and rest on Saturn’s rock for support since he is no longer a testing mountain you have to climb. He has left the decan! You are certainly over the hill now with Mars conjunction your decan until the end of the year. He might make you a little feisty, but you will have personal power, sex-appeal and passion. This is a winning combination as you race towards the New Year. You will be feeling very “Gung Ho”, ready to flex those reinforced Saturn muscles and eager to start afresh as you launch into 2015.
Aquarius Decan 3
Birthdays February 9 – 18 Ascendants Aquarius 20º – 30º

July Onwards
Mars square your decan Aug 29 – Sep 15 is when you will really need to call on some of those shoulders mentioned above. Saturn is now direct, but because things have been so slow earlier in the year you might be tempted to rush things through due to pressure from others. Colleagues or clients might be running out of patience with your medieval pacing. Unfortunately horse and cart speed, although ecologically sound, does not impress turbo-charged robots in the modern world. As I said before, it’s important to stand your ground, but doing so will inevitably cause some conflict. Black Moon Lilith opposite your decan Sep 1 – Dec 8 this may be the taboo distraction that I mentioned in the general forecast. If you are married then beware of the temptations of the forbidden fruit. You need to keep your guard up from Sep 1 –15when Lilith square Mars forms a femme fatale T-square to your decan. Seductive sorcery is afoot! But if you are single maybe it’s you who is initiating saucy footsies under the table. Be careful an angry spouse doesn’t stamp on your toes! You get this exciting Lilith opposition from your 7th house until December so there is plenty of time for some innocent fun and games with Mars sextile your decan Oct 12 – Oct 27.During this time you get the benefits of a sultry Mars flame that will not burn your backside. Instead it will give your buttocks an inviting warm glow. In the boardroom it will be like sitting on a heated pillow. You will feel comfortable, relaxed and quietly self-assured. Your passion is obvious, but is mellowed by the ongoing Saturn square to your decan. Carrying the weight of the Saturn square to your decan should be starting to feel a little more easier as your cosmic muscles become accustomed to the extra weight. This means you can start to enjoy the benefits of Jupiter opposite your decan from October until the end of the year. This might speed things up work wise as you start to get more productive and inspired. The pressure is off as you come up with the goods. Your finances should improve now as some of the hard work is starting to pay off. Time to harvest from what you have reaped and treat yourself to a second honeymoon while Jupiter is still in your solar 7th. If you are single you might have a wild holiday fling since lusty Lilith is also still in the 7th and opposite your decan too. This could very literally be your Saturnalia! Have a devilishly decadent end of the year. You deserve it.
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